張德光收到有來自歐亞各國及美國各州親友的賀電及賀禮。 美國奧巴馬寄來賀卡祝福張德光教授生日快樂,
Davis )特別畫了壹只加菲貓(Garfield
裏根以及中國總統蔣介石、嚴家淦、蔣經國及李登輝、哥斯大黎加諾貝爾和平獎得主阿裏亞斯、菲律賓總統阿奇諾夫人及她的兒子現任總統阿奇諾三世、捷克總統夏維爾、蒙古總統巴格班底以及圖瓦總統、智利總統、斯瓦迪蘭國王以及諾貝爾和平獎得主圖圖大主教等。張教授特殊的貢獻為促進文化交流及國民外交,促成印第安納州為美國第壹個州與臺灣省締結姊妹聯盟,與浙江省姊妹友好關系。張德光教授為世界性的國際政治學會創立亞洲及太平洋委員會的主席並獲得連任四十年,將於明年獲得特別貢獻獎,張德光教授為講學研究慘加國際會議到過七十多個國家,受聘擔任客座教授,獲得選為美國富布萊特教授以及三度獲得美國人文基金會獎金,在紐約大學、耶魯大學以及哈佛大學客座教授,在上海外國語大學任教壹年及廈門大學、新疆大學聘任客座教授,在政治大學及臺灣大學担任客座教授,以及在巴西阿根廷智利英國的大學演講,在中國應邀演講,包括北京大學、武漢大學、西北大學、中國文化大學、中原大學、逢甲大學等二十多個演說倍受歡迎。是中外知名的政治學者,另外獲得選為國際圖瓦研究學會的會長,客家研究學會的會長,為蒙古研究圖瓦研究及客家研究的專家。 |
Teh-Kuang Chang works in a corner office in North Quad, surrounded
by books and piles of file folders. The area looks lived in -which
fits. The political science professor is celebrating his 90th
birthday on Sept.15. He'S spent 49 of those years as a Ball State
faculty member.
Chang won't be traveling far for his birthday celebration. On
Tuesday, he'll take a moment to celebrate his years of
accomplishments with a birthday party at Cardinal Hall in the LA.
Pittenger Student Center.
Chang has devoted his entire life to international study, his
students and the values of his adopted nation: life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness a concept he used to teach in his American
National Government class.
Chang was born in 1925 in Changtin& a county in the southeastern
Chinese province of Fujian. He learned the English language and came
to the United States with a bachelor's degree in 1956 to finish his
He joined Ball State's staff after earning his doctorate in
international relations, and soon began carving out a legacy for
himself by initiating the International, Asian, Latin American and
African studies programs.
In 1996, Chang traveled to Africa for three weeks with a group of
students to tour parts of the continent and learn about its
political system. There, he presented Desmond Tutu, a civil rights
activist and former archbishop of Cape Town with an award for
promoting peace and education.
Significant names spill from Chants mouth as easily as some people
talk about the weather.
He's come into contact with presidents and princes from all over the
world, including U.S. presidents Lyndon B.Johnson and Richard Nixon.
He even spoke at the White House during Ronald Reagan's presidency.
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama recently sent
Chang a birthday card. He also received a handwritten birthday
scroll from President Ma, the leader of the Republic of China. It's
already proudly displayed in front of one of Chants bursting
President Paul W. Ferguson has also acknowledged Chang's
"1 marveled at his contagious enthusiasm for life and the commitment
to living that life well," Ferguson said in Chang's memoir, "The
Rainbow of Life: Around the World in 90 Years for Academ". 50 Years
Teaching at Ball State University."
In addition to a successful career, Chang also raised four children,
who have found their own purposes in life. His daughters Angelin,
Angel and Angelina have forged careers in music, fashion and health,
which have earned them Grammy awards and international recognition.
Chang's only son, Angelo works in the White House with President
Obama as a diplomat.
After almost 50 years of teaching, Chang has one piece of advice for
"Going to school for a grade is of no use. if you don't have
knowledge." he said. "You must learn knowledge, study hard and
practice. Learn one thing, get inspiration and then spread your
福如東海 壽比南山
德高望重 三代同堂
祝賀長壽 杯酒送情
百人同慶 謝養育恩