












華人融入主流 支持市長競選

(本報訊)近日在哥倫布華人黃麗英與李興達夫婦創辦的Advanced Engineering Consultants公司,隆重舉辦了支持現任哥倫布市議會主席Andrew Ginther競選哥倫布市市長的活動,這次活動的支持者有華人企業家Jason Liu, 還有其他族裔的Jim Mitchell, Sam Reed And Joe Weithman,大家聯合策划了這次活動。當日哥倫布的各界華人代表前來參與,華人企業家Lisa Huang表示:哥倫布華人日益增長,華人移民基本受過良好的敎育,掌握專業技能,積極組織參與政府活動也是較快投身主流社會的途徑之一。
    當日Andrew Ginther市議員與市政府官,公司工作人員,社會名流以及華人百人前往, 大家相聚一堂,贊助與支持Andrew Ginther參與市長競選,Andrew Ginther表示:哥倫布已經有越來越多的成功華人,希望未來有更多的華人來哥倫布學習與定居,政府與他本人一定會支持華人社區的各項活動。
     美國的社區服務是美國文化一個重要部分,要融入美國的政治人文經濟,第一步就是社區服務,而十多年前黃麗英女士就參與Dublin競選學區敎育部董事會成員,差幾票沒有選上。但他們夫婦 一直十分活躍並服務社區。目前哥倫布華人人口日益增長,就職于各大公司、銀行、地産業等, 華人的消費促進了當地經濟發展,而消費背後的經濟實力更穩固了華人的社會地位。
    Advanced Engineering Consultants(AEC)成立于1998年,它是一個高級工程顧問公司,它專門提供機械,電氣,排水,消防技術工程等設計服務。 AEC公司總部設在俄亥俄州哥倫布市,另外還設在弗吉尼亞海灘和印第安納州,團隊人員具有卓越的專業知識和豐富的經驗能力,爲客戶提供有創意性,完整性,承諾最優質的工程服務。

Lisa Huang, PhD, PE, RCDD
President / Senior Electrical Engineer
After a decade of working at large engineering firms, Lisa Huang decided to start her own company. Her vision was to provide the best quality engineering design services with a personal touch. In 1998, Advanced Engineering Consultants was created in the basement of her home.
Today, AEC is a highly respected MEPT engineering firm with over 50 employees, a large percentage of which are registered Professional Engineers (27 PEs). AEC also operates two satellite office locations, and is the prime on several multi-million dollar contracts.
Lisa brings expertise acquired over 25 years in project planning, management and electrical design of new build and renovation projects. She possesses incredible determination and unquestionable integrity. Her passion for the industry and dedication to her clients make her a valuable addition to any team.
Lisa is a Senior Electrical Engineer with a Ph.D. from The Ohio State University and a Master’s from the University of Manitoba. Outside of work, Lisa is involved in various organizations including the Ohio Women Organization. She excels at table tennis, golf and plays the Erhu, a two-stringed Chinese instrument.









