














(本報訊)11月5日宣佈俄州州長約翰·卡西奇(John Kasich)將連任俄亥俄州的州長,他擊敗民主黨對手後,和以前的凱霍加縣的長官埃德·菲茨杰拉德,緑黨候選人安妮塔·里奧斯在周二的大選。
John Kasich佔有64%的總投票與選區報吿的97%,菲茨杰拉德抓獲得票33%,里奧斯獲得3%。
     就在競選決定一星期前,John Kasich親自到克利夫蘭的Rock River 一家名字叫Joe’s 的餐廳做了精彩演講,他希望克利夫蘭的民衆投他一票,他選上後,會給俄州給克利夫蘭等地提供更多的機會,他在餐廳做了精彩演講,其間,本報主編遞給他伊利華報,並吿訴他刋登了他急召媒體會發佈埃博拉疫情的報道,他風趣地説:沒有説她壞話吧。


Why Ohio is the most important state in the country

By Jack Craciun III
俄州州長約翰·卡西奇(John Kasich) and Jack Craciun III

The legacy of Ohio’s leadership for filling the seat of the most powerful office on earth, the office of the President of the United States of America, is unequaled in the history of the this country. Ohio is the home of 8 US Presidents.
Considering the depth and positions of responsibility of Ohio leaders in Washington D.C. and the recent success of Ohio’s state leaders, it now appears the 9th President of the United States of America to come from Ohio is apparently on the way to serve and lead the most important nation on earth and the world in the foreseeable future.
It also clearly appears the Republican Party’s legacy has profoundly set into place the economic drivers to build a stronger USA by sharing its entrepreneurial spirit and consumer market economy knowhow and management at home and with the rest of the world. Advancing our nation’s interest and security by sharing these keys of proven wisdom, in modern terms, will, as usual deliver prosperity without prejudice to a globe of Humanity.
As I am writing this on Veterans Day here in the USA, I am thinking about a world of long-suffering peoples of many cultures and races whose tyrants and oppressors, at home or abroad, we vanquished with the spirit and sacrifice to share and preserve our human dignity no matter the cost to life and limb, nor the risk to our economy.
We are a nation designed to share a rare Grace at all costs, and that Grace lives in the fabric of our nation and its people to deliver the wellbeing of our children through the Constitution of the United States and its Bill of Rights.
Please consider with me that the United States is the most powerful country on earth and there have been four new number two economies on earth since the United States entered the Industrial Revolution in the mid-nineteenth century.
Consider that each of the new number two economies have been profound enemies of the United States.
The first number two economy was England. Its king tried to kill the American dream the minute it was born and continued trying for decades until the Industrial Revolution, when the USA became the stand alone number one economy on earth.
The second number two economy was Germany, whose king of WWI and whose tyrant of WWII delivered two world wars in twenty-five years to a globe of humanity, both of which the USA, stopped and then proceeded to rebuild Europe through The Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP). The USA then helped to develop Germany after WWII, not only into the number two economy on earth, but the number one economy of Europe.
The third number two economy the US rebuilt was Japan, the German ally who attacked the USA during WWII. The USA also defeated Japan, confirmed to its people that the Emperor was not a God, rebuilt Japan’s economy, and soon thereafter Japan became the new number two economy on earth after Germany.
The new and most recent number two economy is China. The US did not win the Korean and Vietnamese Conflicts due to the intervention of the Chinese Military. Keep in mind, the US played the major role in ending the horrific Japanese occupation of China. Richard Nixon and George Bush, who visited China in 1972 and met with Mao Zedong, established the beginning process of thawing in Sino-American relations. The evolving relations ultimately led to Deng Xiao Ping’s creating the China “Open Door Policy” and its new economic reform programs. Thanks to America’s fabric of global economics, politics, and financial support, in 2010, China became the new number two economy on earth and is questionably viewed as the new number one economy on earth if one chooses to ignore the global economic and military fabric the United States has established around the world and in Asia during the last 150 years.
In my brief meeting with Governor Kasich we discussed the future of American and Chinese relations and their relationship with the world. We recalled the legacy of the Republican Party for opening up China to the world of US commerce and prosperity.
Now the Republican Party has won landslide victories within the US Federal government and in Ohio. At this perfect moment in history, the Republican Party is now ideally suited, to strengthen our nation’s interests, as our leaders did in the past for Germany and Japan, by guiding the people of our nation and the world to learn about, in this case, the oldest surviving culture on earth, China. The studying of the history and culture of China will establish a global platform from which the cultures of both East and West can “see more clearly” paths to mutual understanding and cooperation. The focus of this endeavor should be to highlight both the similarities and differences of the parallel traditions in ways that clarify their contributions to human culture and promote those ideas which foster understanding and respect.
Jack Craciun III
ITM (China) Ltd.
ITM (US) Ltd.







