












Ohio State University Chinese Flagship Program hosted its 5th annual Spring Appreciation Banquet

美國俄亥俄州立大學中文旗艦工程于二月十九日舉行了其兔年新春午宴, 以答謝長久以來哥城各方,尤其是華人社區的鼎力支持。旗艦工程全體師生,專業輔導老師,訪問學者--來自祖國貴州的楊勝明局長及日本的于小菲敎授,以及來自俄亥俄現代中文學校,中國文化中心,美中科協,州敎育部及俄亥俄州立大學的有關領導,歡聚一堂共慶兔年的到來。
    俄亥俄州立大學中文旗艦工程以培養具有高級中文語言能力及專業知識的國際專業人士爲己任。自2005年創辦至今,已吸引了85位致力于中美文化交流及硏究的學生,包括54位碩士硏究生及31位本科生,其中有六位畢業生已紮根中國,在房地産,市場營銷,科技産業,文化交流,國際貿易領域從事管理及咨詢工作,另有自我創業者,業已創辦了兩家企業。絶大多數旗艦學生來自非華裔家庭。旗艦工程與華人社區建立了長久的合作夥伴關係。通過其社區服務項目,自今年一月以來,兩位學生已幫助St. Joseph Montessori School 成功建立了其中文項目的試點,七位同學在俄州現代公文學校的14門課程中擔任助敎,另有兩位在Stongridge 老人院幫助那里的中國老人適應及介紹中國文化,一位在俄州大國際留學生部給來自中國的訪問學者提供服務。
On February 19th the Ohio State University Chinese Flagship Program hosted its 5th annual Spring Appreciation Banquet. Beginning in 2006, this banquet is held every year to thank Flagship Mentors and the greater Central Ohio Chinese Community for their dedication and support. Representatives of the Ohio Contemporary Chinese School (OCCS), OSU administrators, state educational agency and Flagship students gathered to enjoy good and exciting performances.
The program director, Prof. Galal Walker, began the festivities by expressing his gratitude for the continuous support and cooperation of the local Chinese community in making the OSU Flagship a success. Each Student introduced his/her mentor and delivered a personal message to show the appreciation. While enjoying a traditional banquet-style feast, the OSU Flagship Students entertained their guests with an exciting program of performances ranging from Cross-Talk, Poetry, Piano and Guzheng to Wushu and Tai Chi. This banquet was an excellent opportunity for the Flagship Students to showcase their diverse skills as they prepare for a year of researching and interning in China.
From its inception in 2005 through fall 2010, OSU Chinese Flagship Program have attracted 85 students who are determined to become a global professional with a superior level of proficiency in Mandarin. (54 graduate and 31 undergraduates). They are from 21 different states and from 28 different universities with 30 different majors with over 85% are non-heritage students. The Flagship program at OSU has been long-term partner with the local Chinese communities. Since January 2011, an after-school Chinese program at St. Joseph Elementary has been piloted with the assistance of a Flagship students, seven students serve as TAs at the OCCS, two are helping at the Stoneridge Nursing home and one is assisting OSU International Affair Office on orientate Chinese scholars and their family members.







