












OSU-Hanban “Training of Trainers” 2009 Summer Institute in Qingdao

 The Ohio State University is well known for its teacher training programs, particularly in training Chinese language teachers. In the past three years, it operated three year-long Chinese teacher licensure programs (36 graduate credits) that produced four dozen teachers, most of whom have obtained Ohio license to teach Chinese. Each year in the last decade, it has offered seven-week summer institute (15 graduate credits) to train college and K-12 Chinese language teachers. (More information is available at http://deall.osu.edu/programs/summerPrgm/speac.cfm)
Because of OSU’s strength in “performed culture” pedagogical training and the success of its Chinese Flagship Programs, we got support from Hanban (Chinese Language Council International) to provide a 2.5-week summer institute focused on pedagogical training for professors from 18 universities across China. The training was conducted in July 2009 at a beachside facility of Qingdao. The training plan was designed by Dr. Eric Shepherd from the University of South Florida, assisted by Kun Shi, director of the OSU K-12 Chinese Flagship Program. The training team was led by Dr. Shepherd, and included Dr. Yongfang Zhang of the University of Akron and Ms. Hui Li of OSU. Ten high school students were recruited (mainly from Metro and Gahanna-Lincoln High Schools) for demo teaching at the “training of trainers” summer institute. The whole project was coordinated by Hanban’s Division of Teachers and the OSU Chinese Flagship Program.The chaperones were Lisa Floyd-Jefferson and Peggy Lovro
All teacher participants highly praised the summer institute, and all student participants enjoyed their China study experience, as testified by the following quotes. (KS)


Trainers and trainees at the graduation ceremony.“漢語敎學法培訓班”結業合影

Students and teachers on the Great Wall. 學生和領隊在長城合影


Students at Hanban 學生參觀漢辦 (L to R: Alyssa Steed, Meaghan McKenna, Fralisia Jefferson, Elizabeth Vera, Kanad Sengupta, Regina Hairston, Ronny Oppong, Ciera Fluker, Abby Lutz, and Betsey Giammattei)

Students and teachers in Qingdao. 學生和老師的結業合影

Students visit a community center in Qingdao. 學生參觀靑島市一社區中心

Hanban guest teachers to OSU K-12 Chinese Flagship Program (L to R: 張燕嵐-Grace、石波-Melissa、翟龍珠-Stella)



Quotes from High School Students in the China Study Trip
Abby Lutz (蘆笛): “The best part of this trip was learning [about] the culture and experiencing actual life in China, because you can’t do that in a classroom.”
Betsey Giammattei (葛曼玲): “I love China. I want to come back to study.”
Meaghan McKenna (莫寒梅): “我愛中國,靑島很美。” (I love China. Qingdao is beautiful.)
Fralisia Jefferson (馮若玲): “Climbing the Tai Mountain was really fun. 靑島很漂亮,北京很好。” (Qingdao is beautiful. Beijing is great.)
Ronny Oppong (歐鵬): “Everything in China was fun. It was an amazing experience and I would do it again. 這里的山好,水好,人更好。” (The mountain and water [in China] are good, but the people are even better.)
Regina Hairston (何吉娜): “I really enjoyed the shows we went to, especially the acrobats…most of that stuff I have never seen before; it was really exciting and fun to watch!”
Ciera Fluker (付可婭): “I enjoyed the trip a lot, and I met friends that I’m going to miss a lot. I definitely want to come back one day, and definitely keep studying Chinese. This trip taught me a lot.”
Alyssa Steed (馬愛麗): “I had a wonderful time in China, it was a wonderful experience. I learned a lot about the culture and the language.”
Kanad Sengupta (宋普德): “My favorite part of the trip is learning the language and experiencing the culture.”
Elizabeth Vera (魏欣妮): “One of the highlights of this trip was definitely the Great Wall. I’ve seen it on the Discovery Channel but never in a million years did I think I would be able to come here actually stand on the Great Wall.”3.Students at Hanban 學生參觀漢辦 (L to R: Alyssa Steed, Meaghan McKenna, Fralisia Jefferson, Elizabeth Vera, Kanad Sengupta, Regina Hairston, Ronny Oppong, Ciera Fluker, Abby Lutz, and Betsey Giammattei)







