













    此次大會的重頭戲是在閉幕式上將一年一度的唯一獲奬者授予來自中國的全國人大副委員長、全國婦聯主席顧秀蓮女士。 在大會宣佈獲奬者之前,特別請到當地著名的年僅17歲的美籍華人靑年鋼琴家ALVIN ZHU (朱傲文)爲大會表演一首獨奏曲“利斯特匈牙利狂想曲第12號”, ALVIN高難度的技術和優美的琴聲及表演姿勢博得了全場的喝彩,當他演奏完最後一個音符時,全場歡呼並起立爲他鼓掌,當地的報紙及大會的主持人,著名的ABC新聞主持人CARL SIMSON 稱ALVIN的演出把大會的氣氛推倒了最高潮。接下來由當地的音樂家朱煥先生率領“海華靑少年樂團”爲大會演奏了一曲根據中國樂曲改變的“花兒與少年”,使全場充滿了濃濃的中國氣氛,最後大會主持人宣佈請獲奬人上台領奬時,我的耳邊響起了在中國家喩戶曉的歌曲,年近70歲的顧女士伴隨着海華樂團爲她演奏的“歌唱祖國”的樂曲,莊嚴及穩步地走上了主席臺,在她發表獲奬感言之後,海華樂團又爲全場演奏了“難忘今宵”,來自當地的OCA 舞獅團也爲大會表演了傳統的中國獅子舞,最後大會在“大海啊,我的故鄉”音樂聲中圓滿地結束了。

    會後我採訪了朱煥先生,如何參與進了這次的活動,他説,當初接到主辦方對ALVIN的邀請是因爲 今年夏天他帶領海華樂團前往意大利參加世界靑少年藝術節,而藝術節更是把ALVIN放在開幕式的壓軸節目上,他的精彩演出同樣受到了各國嘉賓 的讚揚,這次又是爲世界婦女論壇第一次發奬給一個中國人,我們作爲一個華僑,感到非常自傲,雖然從接到邀請到演出只有3個星期,爲了寫這些樂曲,他有兩夜沒有睡覺,但心里非常激動,他特別感謝團員的家長們的支持,特別是還有一個團員從克里夫蘭開了3個小時來參加演出,還有OCA 舞獅團的大力幫忙,才能使這次活動辦得如此精彩,而最主要的是通過這次活動使孩子們見到了世界婦女論壇歷屆的得奬者,有科學家、宇航員、外交部長、副總理、奧林匹克金牌得主等等,從他們的身上學到了刻苦學習,平易近人的高尙品德,他堅信通過他一次又一次的帶領孩子們走向世界,將來他們在社會上一定會取得巨大的成就的!

IWF World Leadership Conference
Pittsburgh, PA, USA October 15-17, 2008 At the dawn of the 21 st century, half of humanity was living in urban areas. By 2030, urban populations will be twice the size of rural populations. What are the implications of this new urban world on the human habitat, natural resources, the economy, business, health, lifestyle choices and policy-making?
Competition for the future requires mastery of emerging opportunities to stake out new competitive space. As technology continues to redefine the roles of cities in the global market place, what choices can we make to improve the urban living environment where most of the world's population lives and works? In Pittsburgh, a former rust-belt economy was transformed into a burgeoning finance, health, and information-based marketplace where 168,000 education and medical jobs replaced 146,000 manufacturing jobs and remaining brown fields were renewed with a green movement that minimized urban sprawl. Ranked the number one place in America to live by Places Rated Almanac and the 26th top city in the world in which to live by the London-based Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Pittsburgh's story is a 21 st century tale of a city competing for the future and successfully transforming the human habitat.
Join IWF in Pittsburgh and discover how investment, strategy, a commitment to health, the environment, culture, and the engagement of committed philanthropists, put capital to work – both intellectually, financially, creatively and communally – to transform now into next. Encounter, first-hand, the factors that produced positive and powerful urban change where a culture of noble emotions thrives and a coalition of opportunity abounds.
In Pittsburgh, IWF presents a unique and far-reaching World Conference -- Building Our Masterpiece -- on October 15-17, 2008. Join world leaders and grassroots visionaries alike from five continents in a live and virtual exchange highlighting cutting-edge urban projects, creative solutions, and across-the-century-thinking that will improve the human habitat. In a city that created its own future by developing an independent point of view about tomorrow's opportunities, find answers for the reinvention and renewal required to build the kind of world that we want. History starts now!













