











辛辛那提中國城:傳承中華文化 共建美麗家園(4)




Louisa和Gail Yong在克城二天,向華人同行學了不少經驗,她倆下午去了百佳超市又和百佳老闆談了很久,對自己在辛城創建中國城更信心倍增,在她們要離開克城之前,我們在寶龍相聚,我給她們介紹了一位特別的朋友Patricia Freiberg.

Patricia Freiberg是一位室內設計師,她對生活充滿熱情,她的人生哲學是:放棄是一種智慧,缺陷是一種恩惠,讓生命隨意並不是隨便地活着,活着就是要快樂。
    六年前我在一家傢具設計店認識了Patricia Freiberg,因爲她看我是中國人就十分興奮,她曾經在1995年爲中國做過設計(THE AMERICAN MALL CHINA ),因爲心臟病,沒有去成中國,還有她還爲五星級賓館設計過中國傢具,她對中國人有着特別感情。以後我每一次路過這家傢具店就會自然而然想到她,因爲她是一個快樂的人,她的笑聲總是讓你能高興起來。

    時過六年,上個月,我在克城的亞州超市麗華酒家見到她,她説她在幫助Donna 設計亞州超市.這樣我們又開始了來往。而每一次見她,她都給我上一堂人生大課。

    Patricia Freiberg,她是第三代在美國,她的祖輩是在18世紀從歐洲來的移民。她的祖父和祖母還有她的外祖父和外祖母都是從意大利和希臘來到美國,不過她還説她有一半猶太人的血統,他的祖父到美國就開設水果加工厰,外祖父開的是鐵厰,不久他們雙雙在美國擁有銀行。
   Patricia Freiberg,出生紐約,在賓州成長,六十年代畢業于Case Western University 獲–MFA-Mincr Textile design碩士學位。她自己開玩笑説:聽説猶太人和中國人一樣對孩子學習特別在意,她還記得,如果她考試得A-,她回家就要看她父親的眼色,她説她家三個孩子,只有她沒有博士畢業。她在家接受了良好的敎育:第一要孝順長輩,第二不去記做過的好事,只記住做過的錯事,做錯事沒有關係,但決不能原諒的事;做了錯事再撒謊。
    Patricia Freiberg,剛過73歲生日,她的心只有37,當她知道Louisa和Gail Yong要創建辛城中國城的時候,她説她腦子里已經在設計進中國城那一道門,她總是和我開玩笑説她的上輩子一定是中國人。
Patricia Freiberg 人生觀
To sum up my philosophy of life I look back at my early years and I am very thankful for my parents, grandparents, for it is their guidance that I learned. I had a wonderful relationship with my maternal grandmother; she was truly a lady of wisdom and taught me many things. My parents always taught me that education was the formation of our journey through life. We were taught that manners and knowledge would not be taken from us for they were part of the integrity that we must attain and hold high forever.
Truth was a virtue and should always be held in our lives.
My parents could tell us that when we did something that was not allowed we must admit it and face the consequences, but to do harm and lie was TWO STRIKES AGAINST US, and we did not want two strikes. I taught this to my children and they in turn to their children.
To be happy, smell the flowers, admire the creatures of God, all miracles of life. Give of our hearts, and do good, but forget; do bad and remember. One finds peace in that, and therefore happiness. Peace and happiness are concurrent.
True happiness can only be measured by our giving to others, whether it be a helping hand, sharing a tear, lending a shoulder to cry on, doing all we can to help our friends and family, lest not we forget to help strangers - simply to say hello or be cheerful goes a long way.
I believe my heart has many branches so that I can extend my love to others.
I am so thankful for the blessings in my life and the talents that were given to me.
I look forward to each day of my life, to making various contributions in thoughts, words and deeds.













