











Chinese Language for K-12 Schools in Ohio

(By Kun Shi) 

  With China emerging on the global stage and growing Ohio exports to China increasing ($1.5 billion in 2007), Chinese language has finally caught the attention of secondary and even elementary schools throughout Ohio. A couple of years ago, only a few schools in Ohio offered Chinese language instruction. Because of the joint efforts of schools/districts, the OSU K-12 Chinese Flagship Program and Ohio Department of Education (ODE), K-12 Chinese has witnessed a phenomenal growth. According to surveys by the K-12 Chinese Flagship Program, the number of Ohio schools/districts offering Chinese language has increased from 17 last year to 50 this school year. Meanwhile, the number of students enrolled in Chinese increased from 777 last year to more than 2,000 this school year. Thousands more elementary and secondary students are taking Chinese as exploration. More high school students are learning Chinese through the individualized distance learning and the summer programs at OSU.
   The Ohio State University is the first college in Ohio to offer Chinese; it is the only institution nationally that offers a Ph.D. in Chinese language pedagogy. In 2005, the Chinese Flagship Program was established with federal funding to enroll M.A. students for the advanced study of Chinese, preparing them to work in China-related professional careers. Because of the success of this program, the federal government increased funding to add the K-12 Chinese Flagship Program at OSU in October 2006. The Chinese Flagship Program is headed by Galal Walker, professor of Chinese and director of the National East Asian Languages Resource Center at OSU. The K-12 Chinese, which is a part of the OSU Flagship, is headed by Kun Shi.
   The OSU K-12 Chinese Flagship Program works closely with ODE in many areas, including co-hosting two statewide conferences on K-12 Chinese in December 2006 and 2007. The program goal is to build the infrastructure for Ohio schools to establish successful language programs leading to solid communication skills in Mandarin Chinese. The program is developing partnerships in Ohio and beyond to achieve objectives that include the following:
* Developing performance-based curriculum;
* Providing teacher support and ongoing professional development; and
* Creating a technology support system with effective Chinese language programs.
   The OSU K-12 Chinese Flagship Program is interested in supporting any school in Ohio that is operating or plans to start a Chinese language program. We are building partnerships with three schools (Beachwood, Beavercreek and Metro High Schools) in the 2007-08 school year to create pilot programs in Ohio, and then expanding to more schools in the following years. Ultimately, we want to see more Ohio students to be proficient in Chinese language and knowledgeable about Chinese culture. This will not only broaden our students’ career possibilities and benefit Ohio’s economy, but also improve our national security and international relations.
For more information about the OSU K-12 Chinese Flagship Program, please visit http://k12chineseflagship.osu.edu or contact Kun Shi at shi.7@osu.edu.
The Development of K-12 Chinese Programs in Ohio
(Data: OSU K-12 Chinese Flagship Program)













