













    [本報匹兹堡消息]今年10歲的匹兹堡Marshall Elementary School 五年級的華裔學生Angela 張,于2007年7月20日,在Harrisburg的希爾頓酒店舉辦的Miss National American 選美活動中,摘取了2007年Pre-Teen賓州小姐的桂冠。
    Angela 張生長在一個4口之家,爸爸的呵護,媽媽的嚴格,比她大6歲的姐姐Yilu的引導,給了她一個旣寬鬆又不能太任性,並且有很多機會學到她年齡以外的東西的環境。她從小好動,喜歡跳舞,對音樂有較強的感受力,爲此,她父母除了開始讓她學鋼琴、小提琴外,還有意識地讓她接觸了很多運動性的活動,比如游泳、溜冰、舞蹈、體操和網球等,在嘗試了一段時間後,她最後選擇了體操和網球這兩項運動,並獲得2007年全國藝術體操9-12歲年齡全能第二名和繩操第名。

     Angela本人平時十分喜歡表演,曾經在2003年,由朋友介紹她參加了 Pittsburgh Butler地區的選美比賽,Angela意外地被選上了2003 Little Miss Butler。從此以後,她對表演的興趣就更濃厚了。今年,因爲她全家準備去度假要經過Harrisburg,而2007年全美小姐賓州地區的選拔賽就在Harrisburg ,因此,她父母就決定讓她去見見世面。不曾想,她成了今年的幸運兒,獲得了2007年Pre-Teen賓州小姐冠軍殊榮。
    Angela 張還將在今年的感恩節前往加州參加全國選拔賽。選Pre-Teen美國小姐的最重要目的是培養"今天的女童" "明日的領袖", 選拔要求很高,不僅要有外在美同時也要有內在美,考選手的自信心,學習態度,有沒有良好競爭心態和未來個人的目標,同時也有技能測試等項目。Angela 張在榮譽面前更加謙虛,這對她是一種學習和成長經歷的積累,而她的父母只要求她,希望她保持她好的學習成績,當個全面發展的學生。
    Angela Zhang, daughter of Wei Zhang & Joanne Miao, was crowned National American Miss PA preteen State Queen at the state pageant held 7/20/2007 at the beautiful Hilton Hotel in Harrisburg. She received her Official State, Banner and Trophy. She also received a special invitation to complete at the National Pageant held during Thanksgiving week in Anaheim, California. At the pageant she also received Winner of talent contest, 1st runner up of photogenic contest. The national American Miss pageants are dedicated to celebrating America's greatness and encouraging its future leaders. Each year, the pageant awards thousands in scholarships and prizes to recognize and assist the development to young woman nationwide. All activities are age-appropriate and family-oriented. Pageants are held in age state for girl’s ages four to eighteen in five different age divisions.
     The National American Miss Pageants are for "Today's Girl" and " Tomorrows Leaders." The Pageant program is based on inner beauty, as well as poise, presentation, and offers an "All American Spirit" of fun for family and friends. Emphasis is pleased on the importance of gaining self confidence, learning new skills, learning good attitudes about competition, and setting and achieving personal goals. The pageant seeks to recognize the accomplishments of each girl while encouraging her to set goals for the future!
     Miss Angela Zhang's activities include piano, violin, tennis, gymnastics, and training with TRP for modeling and acting.
Her sponsors for the pageant were parents & friends.










