











大膽創新 中西藝術文化精髓合併交融


   匹兹堡著名華裔詩人黃翔與藝術家William Rock合作,共同推出交融西方繪畫和東方“詩歌書法”藝術的大型系列“書畫”作品“世紀的群山”
       上個月我應黃翔夫婦邀請,到匹兹堡去見和黃翔一起創作The Century Mountain Project的Mr. William Rock, 當我和他們自我介紹完後,便和Mr. William聊起來,Mr. William對黃翔除了珍重敬佩以外,他更認爲黃翔詩人的文學修養及才華是沒有人可以相比的,尤其是黃翔的中文書法無與倫比。他們還吿訴我只要他們到哪里去出展他們的作品,每一個人都喜歡,從他們的畫中感受到人的能量。從藝術角度來講,它沒有文化、性別或種族區別,它們有一個共同的固有信任和經驗性的"源" ,使他們能創造藝術一體, 目前他們都將世界名人莫扎特、尼採、林肯、甘地、梵高的畫像加黃翔的書法聯繫在一起的,他們都體現了文化藝術的復興,中西文化沒有距離,如果他們的畫一旦被世界認同,中國的書法和西洋畫融合一起,都將被認同,他們是創新,中西藝術文化精髓合併交融。



     The Century Mountain Project honors the greatness in us as human beings that has made itself evident throughout the centuries in the form of great creators, thinkers, leaders, discoverers - - essentially people that stood out like mountains throughout the centuries. This ongoing collaborative artwork between Huang Xiang and William Rock is a celebration of the vast potential that is in each one of us. It has no cultural, gender or race distinctions. Huang Xiang and William Rock do not share the same spoken language or share the same cultural heritage but they communicate and collaborate through the language of art. After they select a subject, Rock paints it and Huang Xiang adds his poetry with masterful calligraphy. They share an inherent trust and experiential of the "source" that allows them to create art that unites, connects and celebrates humanity.
   Mozart, Nietzsche, Lincoln,Gandhi, Van Gogh, you and I are connected. Let's all climb Century Mountain.

Huang Xiang is one of the greatest poets of 20th century China and a master calligrapher. Huang Xiang spent over twelve years in Chinese prisons and was frequently tortured for writing his lyrical, free-spirited poetry and for his advocacy of human rights in China. His inspiring story has been the subject of an award winning PBS documentary. He has been described as a 'poet on fire' a human torch who burns as a lamp of freedom and enlightenment. Huang Xiang's poetry and calligraphy is internationally recognized and he has performed for crowds numbering in the thousands. To read his works, to experience his poetry performance, to see his calligraphy and to hear of his personal journey leaves no doubt he is an authentic master. He will tell you himself, "I must create - no matter what." Ten of his books have been published in several languages. Huang Xiang and his wife, the writer Zhang Ling reside in the U.S. where Huang Xiang is Emeritus Writer-in-Residence with the City of Asylum/Pittsburgh. On Nov. 21, 2004 the Mayor declared "Huang Xiang Day" in the city of Pittsburgh.1

    2006底-2007年,黃翔再次同William Rock合作,共同推出交融西方繪畫和東方“詩歌書法”藝術的大型系列“書畫”作品“世紀的群山”(The Century Mountain Project )。
2    007年3月-4月,黃翔個人的詩歌書法作品和同William Rock合作的“世紀的群山” 部分作品在匹茲堡europ’Art Gallery展出,反響熱烈。
    2007-2008年第二十屆“紐斯塔國際文學獎”(Neustadt International Prize for Literature)評審委員。


左起 張玲 浦瑛 William Rock 黃翔 Michael Berger(Michael Berger Gallery MBG 的老闆)今年七月MBG將舉辦“Centrury Mountain project”展覽


   William Rock is both a citizen of Ireland and the U.S. He studied drawing at The California Art Institute and taught himself to paint and sculpt by travelling to museums around the world. He has been immersed in Eastern thought and practice for fifteen years having studied meditation with Tibetan and Chinese monks. In 2006 his 'transcendent' paintings inspired a month long arts celebration held in Pittsburgh entitled 'Spirit Unfolding'. William Rock's art has been displayed in museums in California and Pennsylvania and he has spoken extensively on the nature of creativity and art.

Huang Xiang, Zhang Ling and William Rock with students from Westminster College.


