











匹兹堡美華協會恭賀新禧 弘揚中華文化藝術融入主流


    匹兹堡美華協會有朝氣,因爲華人第二代的參與,他們參加慈善活動,爲社區提供服務,Eighteenth District Pennsylvania 參議員Timothy F. Murphy爲靑年人頒奬

     今年的新春晩會在匹兹堡著名的Syria Shriners Center舉辦,還特邀11電視台新聞主持人Ms. Katrina Owens 當司儀,當天的節目如舞獅、敦煌舞、舞龍、清宮服飾等,各個節目都洋溢着很濃的中國風味。這次文藝演出是由匹茲堡從事民族舞蹈敎學多年的謝家碧女士籌劃和編排的。謝家碧女士在匹茲堡華人社團已經有十多年的服務歷史, 她不僅僅自己參與,還讓她的全家人都投入到社區去服務。最後祝願匹兹堡美華協會能爲華裔社區發出更大和更團結的聲音。


Wen-Ching Yang
President, OCA-Pittsburgh Chapter

Pittsburgh Chapter (Non-Profit)

PMB 1420, 4530 William Penn Highways, Murrysville, PA 15668
Dear OCA Members, Families and Friends:
We are delighted and honored to have you joining us to celebratethe Chinese New Year 4705, the Year of the Golden Pig, an extraspecial year which comes around only every 60 years. On behalf of OCA-Pittsburgh Chapter, I wish you and your family a happy,merry and prosperous Chinese new year.
In the past year, in addition to our regular activities such as:conducting the Free Medical Clinic and Soup Kitchen for the homeless at the Salvation Army in association with the Tzu Chi Foundation; participating in the annual Pittsburgh Folk Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, and Macy's Celebrate the Seasons Parade; supporting fundraising activities for the University of Pittsburgh Nationality Rooms; providing financial support for the Tzu Chi Summer Camp and Pittsburgh Chinese School; presenting scholarships to outstanding students and for youth leadership training, and coordinating activities at the Chinese Senior Center with support from Allegheny County, we had several new initiatives. The OCA-Pittsburgh Chapter now has a new official website (www.ocapghpa.org). We had a first-ever joint picnic with TRFCC (Three Rivers Families with Children from China). Many of OCA members and OCA Youth also volunteered at the TRFCC Summer Camp teaching Chinese cooking, dances, crafts, and calligraphy. Our efforts to provide these children and their families a nourishing environment for exploring their Chinese heritage have generated overwhelmingly positive responses from the American adopting families. We also have strengthened our ties with the OCA National. I personally attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the new home of the OCA National and participated in the National Board meeting, and was impressed with the leadership at the OCA National and enthusiasm of the participants. Our General Meeting in September was also a success and our seminar on Angel Island Immigration Station in October, presented by Foundation Director, Daphne Kwok, was well received.
OCA Youth, under the leadership of Darlene Tzou and the guidance of OCA VP of Cultural Affairs, Chia-Pih Shaw and VP of Education, Jimmy Cheng, continues to be a vibrant group. For the first time in a long time, both of our OCA lions and dragon are alive again. OCA Youth were invited to perform in many fundraising events, notably, the Pittsburgh Opera, the Chatham College, and the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg,
Owing to your continuing and unquestionable support, we have accomplished a lot over the years. We will continue to articulate our vision, to attract new members, and to expand our members' participation. Please join us to march forward into the future.

Best wishes to you all,

Wen-Ching Yang
President, OCA-Pittsburgh Chapter




弘揚中國文化 表演中國民族舞蹈弘

Dr.Michael Lin, 他從華盛頓美華協會總部特意趕來祝賀,他曾經是1995-1998年全美美華協會主席,他祝賀匹兹堡美華協會越來越好。


在嘉賓中間有位慈濟師姐(中間)提到,匹兹堡慈濟已經和當地學校聯合,每周有中文READ CLUB,右一是學校校長



