











Call for Volunteer Young Musicians...

Call for Volunteer Young Musicians
to be the first performers on a child-size stage “CurtainCall”when:
Saturday, March 3 or 10, 2007 between 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 4 or 11, 2007 between 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Sunday, March 4, 2007 7:00 p.m. @ VIP reception
Pittsburgh Convention Center
Home and Garden Show
Girl Scouts Playhouse village
Mini performance for 10 to 20 min.
Pick your own date and time – contact Mimi Jong @ 412 344 5628 or mljarchitects@comcast.net
Every playhouse has a story, every story has a playhouse. The heart of CurtainCall’s story is the circle of completion and perfection, “no-beginning-and-no-end.” In this space, we may see the moon symbolizing wisdom, beauty and imagination. We may also see the rabbit hole, symbolizing adventure, magic and marvel. In the Chinese legend, beautiful Chang Er consumed the forbidden elixir of life. She became lighter than the air and floated to the moon, only to take her pet rabbit as her companion. Once a year she was allowed to return to earth. Hence you see Chang Er jumping out of the moon with her pet rabbit behind her. And then there’s Alice who followed the rabbit into another enchanted world. Here, East and West intersect becoming a new story where the circle is completed. Ying became yang and yang become ying, constantly moving with each other in a continuous waltz, with no beginning and no end, interlocking on this playful stage. Between the many circles, a new dimension of life may be created by the children










