











OCCS Celebrated 2006 Mid-Autumn Festival at the New Site


The ever-expanding OCCS celebrated the “Fifteenth of the Eighth Moon”, and the National Day on October 1,2006 at its new site, Perry Middle School. Over 400 students and their parents came to the joyful event. The party started at 5pm after all the Chinese and Cultural Classes were over. Everyone enjoyed the box dinner and the feature course of dessert, a piece of moon cake donated by Huaxin Supermarket. The cute and palatable moon cake can’t be omitted from the Mid-Autumn Festival because of its traditional symbolism.After the dinner, around 6pm, Haiyuan Gao, Chair of the Cultural Classes Department, announced the commencement of the celebration. He informed the party-goers of the activity plan: students stay in the gym, playing all the games prepared by the volunteers,word puzzles and puzzles of the names of the cities and countries around the world prepared by Minru Li,former chair of the parent committee. Adult Karaoke fans go to the music room to sing at top of their lungs and dancers move with grace and rhythm to the music. In his announcement, Mr.Gao congratulated Jingjing Chen, a former SAT Verbal class student of Worthington Thomas high school, on her making the list of National Merit Scholarships Semifinalist. Max Dengke Xu, the school principal, spoke next. He extended good wishes to everyone on behalf of the school administration team, wishing all to have a great time. He announced that there would be drawings every 30 minutes. The prizes were donated by the local restaurants such as Sunflower, Hongkang Buffet, E Chen’s, and Eastern Bay, totaling about $400 worth of gift certificates.Then the celebration started off. People were so engrossed in the activities that no one was aware of the passage of time.The day is considered a harvest festival since fruits, vegetables and grains have been harvested by this time of the year and food is abundant. Our celebration was a perfect match of that definition by its abundance of food, 485 prizes that people played to win, and $400 gift certificates if their ticket numbers got picked. But most important of all was the fun that everyone had, which was priceless and everlasting.













