













籌款晩宴上 (左起)Mr. Ken Blackwell,Tim,趙小蘭

〔本報訊〕九月六日下午五點三十分,由Jack and Kathy chuang, Julie and Fu-Ting Chuang, Julie Paek Hubler, ESO, Ranjan Manoranian Timothy C.Tsao 組織籌辦,在哥倫布SunFlower中國餐廳爲Mr. Ken Blackwell 舉辦競選州長籌款宴會, 當日美國勞工部部長趙小蘭也前來參加了這個宴會。本報記者榮幸專訪了趙小蘭女士。趙小蘭女士對華人積極投入政治,參于社會活動,組織籌備捐款感到自豪。
     今日美國,華人融入主流社會,參政議政意識日濃。從不久前的美國大選可見,華裔不再當“邊緣人”華人從政的人數也越來越多,處處都有華人的身影在幫助策劃贊助競選。不過,偌大的美國,相比其他的族裔仍然是寥若晨星。不少人還有這種觀念“鈔票重於選票”、“從政是苦差事”,甚至到美國最大的自由就是可以不問政治。以下是Mr. Ken Blackwell的經歷。

Mr. Ken Blackwell

Republican gubernatorial nominee and two-term Secretary of State Ken Blackwell is a staunch economic conservative providing Ohioans bold and experienced leadership. He believes controlling government spending and cutting taxes will kick-start Ohio's economy – creating jobs and economic prosperity.
Ken Blackwell has a distinguished record of achievement as an educator, diplomat and finance executive. Mr. Blackwell’s public service includes terms as mayor of Cincinnati, an undersecretary at the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Commission. In 1994, he became the first African American elected to a statewide executive office in Ohio when he was elected Treasurer of State.
Mr. Blackwell is a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration and a former member of the federal senior executive service. He is co-chairman of the board of directors of the Campaign Finance Institute in Washington, D.C. and a member of the Harvard Policy Group on Network- Enabled Services and Government. Mr. Blackwell is a member of the national advisory boards of the Princeton Review and Youth for Christ. He also is a former chairman of the U.S. Census Monitoring Board and member of the Advisory Panel of the Federal Elections Commission.
A Leader with Courage
Ken has always fought for his beliefs, no matter the cost.
That's why he challenged wasteful spending, higher taxes and political corruption, when no one stood beside him. Ohioans can count on Ken to keep fighting for them as Governor.
The Experience to Lead Ohio
Ken Blackwell is ready to be Governor, applying lessons learned as:
~ Mayor of Cincinnati, leading one of Ohio's great cities;
~ Educator, helping others learn and achieve;
~ Business owner, providing jobs and opportunity;
~ Diplomat, representing America around the world;
~ Ohio Treasurer, investing our tax dollars carefully; and
~ Secretary of State, safeguarding our elections.
As Governor, he'll restore Ohio's economy and hope.
Ken's Top Goals: Creating Good Jobs
Ken Blackwell has a plan to create jobs and hope for all Ohioans.
~ Ken will cut taxes so Ohio can compete for good new jobs - and keep the ones we have.
~ He'll create a new $6 Billion JOB Fund to:
~ spark private sector job creation,
~ increase worker retraining and education,
~ widen broadband access to connect urban and rural Ohioans to the marketplace and
~ expand markets for Ohio coal and bio-fuel.
Improving Education
~ K-12 students deserve real opportunities to grow and learn.
~ Universities and community colleges must become roadways to solid careers.
~ All schools must be accountable for academic progress and fiscal management.
Ken's "65 Cent Solution" requires 65% of every education dollar to be spent in the classroom, where our children benefit most. This would boost classroom spending by more than $1 billion a year, WITHOUT a tax increase.
Fighting for a Better Ohio
Ken has the vision, strength and courage to end "politics as usuaL" As Governor, we can count on Ken to lead Ohio to a brighter future.






