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China has been growing more rapidly than ever, with a population of more than 1.3 billion people. It continues to move into the 21st century making huge impacts on the rest of the world. Now, increasingly more people are interested in Chinese culture. The Bluebird International Summer camp offers students a high-quality opportunity to become conversant with the language, learn customs, become more tolerant of those who are different from themselves and give them an edge in potential career fields. Likewise, China is catching up with the fast pace of high technological development and scientific research led by the United States. The younger Chinese generations are in need of more chances to communicate with those from outside of their county. As a result, Bluebird International Summer Camp was created to establish an international connection for students who are willing to explore different cultures, learn customs, become more tolerant of those who are different from themselves and provide an edge in potential career options.
In 2004, ten students of various ages from the U.S. spent ten days at a residential camp in Taicang, China, taking and teaching classes with Chinese students. They then spent an additional ten days touring various regions and famous sites in China. This camp was extremely well received and an overwhelming success. This summer, 2006, a group of thirteen students, who are Nathan Carlin, Gregory Vose, Rachael Kauss, Laura Whittemore, Stephen Kirsch, Nazih EL-Khatib, Hannah, Taylor Praskach, Yilu Zhang, Angela Zhang, Anlu Wang, Anjie Wang, Genny Luo, Mimi Luo from North Allegheny School District and two students from Delaware who are Emily Zhang, Brian Zhang will attend Bluebird International Camp, hosted by SIP Elementary School and SIP School District in Suzhou, China. These schools are located in the Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP). SIP has made significant contributions to Suzhou's economic development. Because of such great advancements, Suzhou is now referred to as "one of the nine new-tech cities in the world,".
The 2006 U.S. Bluebird participants are meeting weekly to learn conversational Chinese and put together lesson plans. They are participating in team building activities including service projects and fundraisers. The money they raise will be used to purchase school supplies for some of the less fortunate Chinese children that the students will visit during their trip. Their China experience will also include a short stay with the Chinese camp participants as host families.
Bluebird Camp is continuing its work on the cultural exchange opportunities for students. The camp is planning to invite Chinese students to come to the United States for a summer camp here in the future. The goal of Bluebird Camp is to provide unique experiences to students and faculty members in order to open an educational bridge between the U.S. and Chi








