











華裔電視主持人凌志慧 到Hathaway Brown 女子學校演講

[本報訊]金秋十月,克里夫蘭Hathaway Brown 女子學校,請來了美國主流社會及華裔電視主持人凌志慧女士演講,當日來自紐約總領館的李國早,賀長中,姚達領事在嚴雲泰先生的陪同下也聆聽了凌志慧女士精彩演講,凌志慧女士講了她的成長和成功經驗,她敎導了聽講座的高中女生;人有要有理想和能把握機會,她16歲那年,請求她的父親開車到購物中心,那里有一個應徵比賽,她在前來一百多位選手中脫穎而出,成爲一個全美性的少年雜誌電視節目“無名小卒”當主持人,這個偶然的機會改變了她的一生。



On Thursday October 4th, Lisa Ling came to Hathaway Brown School to speak about her experience as a television reporter. She said that she wishes to report important stories, not trivial matters such as the lives of American celebrities. Ms. Ling currently works for National Geographic. She travels often and has been to Korea and China along with other countries for her job. Ms. Ling encourages people to travel and experience the diverse cultures of the world. She wants everyone to be aware of the world's problems arid take action to alleviate them. Ms. Ling is an inspiration to everyone at Hathaway Brown!


Rebecca Levinsky
On Thursday October 4th, I had the pleasure of hearing Lisa Ling, an inspirational woman of Chinese descent, speak at Hathaway Brown School, my high school. Lisa Ling was formerly on The View; she is the first woman to host the National Geographic Explorers series and she is currently a correspondent for The Oprah Winfrey Show. During her hour-long presentation, she discussed her life and the global issues that she feels are important to today's world.
One of the points she made was that opening tile eyes of her audience to problems in other parts of the world is very important. She told us about how sometimes her job is dangerous (like when she went into a maximum security prison for an episode of Explorers), but she feels it is necessary. At the conclusion of her speech, she said, "Now that you know, you cannot pretend that you don't know." To me, this means that we cannot close our eyes to the truth once it has been presented to us.
After hearing Lisa Ling speak, l am so motivated by what she has done with her life. It makes me want to make a difference the way she has. One thing she said that stuck with me is that it is important to study Chinese if you want to work in any field having to do with world affairs. As she said that, I smiled, because I'm already doing that!


 On the night of October 4, I walked into the Hathaway Brown gymnasium excited to see Lisa Ling speak but also quite unsure of what to expect. I walked out inspired. From file moment she began, her vibrant smile lit up the stage, and her enthusiastic voice and meaningfid words kept the audience interested. I found it thrilling to see a speaker like Lisa Ling command the podium and her listeners so brilliantly. She quickly became easy to relate to with her casual style of speech and wonderful sense of humor. Her talk was peppered with anecdotes about her childhood to help the audience understand where she was coming from. After speaking about her adult life and career as a journalist, Lisa Ling showed the crowd a few clips of documentaries she had done for National Geogrrtphic's Explorer series. My favorite was one titled "China's Lost Girls". It illustrated the lengths some American families went to to adopt orphaned Chinese girls. In this video, Lisa Ling admitted to crying during her stay in China. It was hard to imagine the cool, composed Lisa Ling/hat stood before me actually breaking down, but just because she had admitted it, I felt like I could relate to her even more. Being able to feel connected even a little bit to such an accomplished, successful woman inspired me to go out and try my own passion on for size. I have been interested in joumalism just like Lisa Ling for a while, and so I left the gym that Friday night excited to think about what I could do to pursue my interest. After all, it's a new school year, a new chance to try something different, and so I rode home that night excited about everything to come.

Ni hao! WO jiao Fa Mo Ye.
I am currently attending a private girl's school, Hathaway Brown, in Cleveland, Ohio. I was able to attend the International Education Symposium, where the well known woman Lisa Ling gave an eye opening speech. Her speech discussed poverty, hardships, and global problems. Lisa Ling was able to give her audience the feeling of those who were suffering all around the world from Africa, Saudi Arabia, India, China, the Congo, North Korea, and South Korea for she traveled to all these places and felt all sorts of mixed emotions. We, the audience, all of a sudden felt the need to reach out to other people who us and we need need them. We all rely on one another and we must not forget that. As Lisa Ling concluded her speech she said, "Now that you know, you can't pretend that you don't."
By: Morell Frankel





