












    The Chinese American Faculty and Staff Association (CAFSA)是CSU大學早在1991年創立。創立目的是華人敎授有交流的機會,尤其是對新來的敎授提供方便。本協會固定一年有三個活動:九月在外燒烤,二月大家一起過新年,另外每年的五月將做一次學術上的交流會議。協會主要是團結華人。給大家創造一個凝聚力。本協會還爲中國和台灣的文化交流做了不少貢獻。

The Chinese American Faculty and Staff Association (CAFSA) of Cleveland State University (CSU) was formally established in 1991. Before then, the Chinese American professors at CSU had always hosted informal gatherings to welcome new faculty members of Chinese origin and to establish comradeship with each other. In 1991, the Chinese American faculty decided to formally institutionalize an organization:
(1) to facilitate academic, cultural, and social activities
(2) to promote the interests and address the concerns of Chinese American faculty and staff members
(3) to increase sensitivity towards Chinese Americans in the university community
(4) to assist students, especially those of Chinese heritage.
And CAFSA was officially established. Chinese American staff of CSU were also welcome into the association.
By the mid 90s, due-paying members were numbered around 30 and the membership has since increased to between 40 to 50. While we continue to welcome new faculty and staff into our association, the numbers did not increase dramatically due to retirements or departures from CSU. While we have always welcome and invited non-Chinese American members of the CSU family in our functions, a minor revision in our Bylaws in 2001 now welcome faculty and staff of any ethnic origin into our organization. Presently, we count among our members President Michael Schwartz; Dr Njeri Nuru-Holm, Vice-President for Student Affairs and Minority Affairs; Dr Charles Alexander, former Dean of the College of Engineering; and George Burke, Director of the Center for International Studies and Programs.
3 official functions: Fall picnic and welcome to new faculty and staff in September, Chinese New Year banquet in January/February, general membership meeting and elections in May.
Other meetings as necessary and according to the interest of the members: e.g. Fund-raising events (e.g. CAFSA hosted a fund-raising event to raise money for the 9/11 victims among Cleveland’s Chinese American organizations), Bylaws revision, investment/retirement advice.
Other functions: examples:
- Act as consultants and facilitators to university’s programs of international collaboration and outreach; to assist the university administration in communicating with the administrations of Chinese universities; to help to bring about collaborative relationships between Cleveland State University and various Chinese Universities e.g. universities exchange and study-abroad agreements with Christian Chung-Yuan University in Taiwan and Suzhou University in China to enroll students for graduate study.
- Help raising funds for the John Chao Scholarship that was established to promote greater understanding between United States and China and to support international academic exchange programs between CSU and universities in China or Taiwan.
- Help to host Chinese visiting dignitaries, university officials and visiting scholars








