












   感謝倪舉凌先生,《伊利華報》,嚴雲泰先生, 楊曉東先生積極參與和組織本次活動!

(本報訊)9月30日上午,在克里夫蘭文化公園內舉行了一年一度的“一個世界日(One World Day)”活動。這個活動創建于半個世紀之前,而華人團體這是第三年參加,前二年都是在嚴雲泰和倪舉凌先生的積極組織下參與的。這次是中國社區第三次參加這個活動, 也是規模最大的一次。



One World Day at the Cultural Gardens

On Sunday , September 30, 2007, the Cleveland Cultural Gardens held the celebration of the 61st One World Day. One World Day was organized over 61 years ago . It was designed to promote coexistence among all the immigrants from many parts of the world. This year, the Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland hosted the celebration, it also featured a naturalization ceremony for new U.S. citizens and an impressive and dignified parade. With the help of Yi Ping , Eddie Ni and Master Tony Yang they organized the Chinese groups to participate in the One World Day parade. We had three Chinese flags on display. One was on the flag pole carried by Eddie Ni and two of the Chinese flags were very large so it took four people to carry each flag. We, Chinese were well represented we had over 40 people in our group. Afterwards we walked down from the Hebrew Garden to the Chinese Garden to take some pictures to celebrate Confucious birthday.
The Cultural Gardens embody the history of twentieth-century America. They reveal the history of immigration to, and migration within, the United States. They comment on how we have built communities and constructed our identities as individuals and collectives. The gardens reveal the stories of the major conflicts that gave shape to the century: World War I, World War II, and the Cold War. They also provide insight into the large social, economic, political, and cultural upheavals that roiled through the nation during the last century: the Great Depression, suburbanization, the Civil Rights Movement, and the deindustrialization of America's industrial heartland.
   This is a story of hope and despair, joy and sadness, conflict and cooperation, growth and decline. The stones, paths, and memories of the Cleveland Cultural Gardens tell us what it has meant to be an American.

Anthony Yen, Chairman
Chinese Cultural Garden Association




The "Asian Hour" has changed from
         WERE 1300AM to WERE 1490AM              every Sunday 3 to 4 PM.




