











五月一日China Day,WRA中文班半日遊

撰稿:陳鳳珠 攝影:浦瑛


       今天,五月一日,伊利華報社長浦瑛女士特地在百忙之中為西部後備學院(Western Reserve Academy)的中文學生們在伊利華報辦公室做了一次簡報,敘述她初到美國時所遭遇的種種不適應以及如何克服困難創辦了華人在美國東北部的重要精神食糧“伊利華報”,讓學生們對華裔在此地的奮鬥史有了更深的認識。隨後大家驅車至阿唐海鮮城吃點心,由於浦瑛已事先知會餐廳,所以在極短的時間內點心就一車車出籠了!大家一邊吃點心一邊問菜名,忙得不亦樂乎,如果不是得回校考試,恐怕有人意猶未盡,還想到商店大包小包扛食品呢!在回Hudson的路上一車子學生都在問下次什麼時候能來中國超市買菜,我說難道要老師開校車載你們來買菜嗎?有人回答說順便再來吃飯就更完美了!眞是行萬里路勝讀萬卷書,下回考他們吃的文化應該都能輕鬆過關吧!
       創立於1826年的西部後備學院(Western Reserve Academy,簡稱 WRA,位於俄亥俄州美麗如畫的哈德森鎮(Hudson) ,為一所9-12級男女合校的寄宿學校,從克利夫蘭到學校只是四十分鐘的車程 。西部後備學院校園的建築物經,美國內政部登記具有歷史性價値由,校園步行數分鐘即可到達鎮中心。哈德森鎮中心仿照傳統的新英格蘭廣場,這個充滿活力的城鎮提供了同學們無限的學術和文化的機會。
       去年夏天, WRA決定順應時代潮流, 也來開一門中文課,於是我成為這個校園中新的一員,唯一的東方老師。為了公平起見,中文課只先開放給從未接觸過中文的學生。一些在美國出生的華裔孩子被視為具備中文的先備知識,因此無法註冊初級中文,其中有幾個孩子不放棄,就算沒有學分,一樣來旁聽。這裡的學生大都很聰明也很好學,不管怎麼挑戰,總是能達成目標。初級中文須認694個繁體漢字,目前正在挑戰精讀無漢語拼音的純繁體漢字課文, 學生們已能克服聲調的困難, 唸出正確的中文。平常除了學習課本的生詞、課文和語法之外,我們每個月都會學一首中文歌。 前一陣子他們在學校的文化之夜由專人現場伴奏演唱任賢齊的“對面的女孩看過來”及周杰倫的“髮如雪”還順便用中文Rap了一下,讓現場high翻了天。
       上個星期我們也參加了克城慈濟會所舉辦的慈樂飄揚音樂會,聆聽來自各地慈濟師兄師姐演唱美妙的慈濟歌曲。雖然孩子們要趕回學校運動訓練,無法留到活動結束,可是他們也快樂地分享了他們所學的第一首中文歌,也就是慈濟歌之一的“因為你因為我”。 學習中文歌一方面幫助初學者習於中文的發音方式及訓練口語速度,一方面也有助於他們與中文社群的交流,畢竟語言與文化息息相關,只有深入瞭解文化才能眞正習得語言的精髓,進而運用自如。有個九年級的學生本來總覺得自己不比其他同學優秀,常常說他沒辦法突破。結果這個春假他參加敎會的訪問團到四川去敎中國兒童說英語,一到當地就成為最受歡迎的小老師,因為他除了能說簡單的中國話以外,還唱作俱佳,兩首中文歌走天下,大人小孩都喜歡他。回到學校後吿訴我他充滿信心,一定能學更好。事實證明,他確實進步神速。
       另外幾個隨著WRA合唱團到北京、西安和上海訪問的學生則開心地說因為會用中文殺價,他們比其他同團的合唱團員省了一大筆零用錢,點食物也比較不會有麻煩, 而且好玩得是除了人以外到處都是字,站在路邊都能學認字,所以邊走邊學, 一點兒也沒閑著, 由此可見深入文化的重要。
       由於在美國學習中文不比在台灣或大陸那樣容易受到文化薰陶,因此我盡量安排學生課餘參與當地華人活動以及透過網路瞭解華人世界。 在今年春節承蒙華都餐廳老闆娘邀請,招待全部學生享用新年大餐。學生們口裡嚐遍了傳統的年菜,手裡一邊拿著玲玲阿姨準備的精美春聯學說吉祥話,一邊又忙著唱karaoke領學校準備的紅包,每個人都直呼過癮,希望天天過年呢!



    主編的話:5月1日早上九點多,(Western Reserve Academy)三輛校車停在本報報館樓下,帶隊的陳老師帶着十八個學生有説有笑到本報報社,學生們一進小小報社還有些拘束,當我給他們發M&M 巧克力時大家開始輕鬆起來。可以説他們基本上來自家庭條件很好的家庭,能上這個學校據説每年學費就要三萬四千。我給他們講了來到美國後的經歷,那時我兩手空空,每天都要爲第二天的生存而奔波。學生們雖然沒有這層體會,不過他們也都認同在美國只有敢於做自己喜歡的夢,朝着自己的目標一直向前走的人,總有一天你才會爲你自己拍手。
     陳老師給我講了學生們的許多故事。他們都是好學生,每一個學生回家後都寫感謝信給我,這里我選擇了二封來信。陳老師還説學生們本周要完成今天CHINA DAY的中文小日記,本報下次會給我們的讀者欣賞他們的作文。
Dear Mrs. Pu.
First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Lubin Lee and I am a sophmore at Western Reserve Academy.
Before I actually have seen some chinese news paper around like at chinese buffet. I always wondered who makes the newspapers and I guess I got the answer today. I was touched by your story about when you first came to the United States because I faced many difficulties too when I first came here. Making new friends, communicating in second language, eating different food everything was new to me. Since three years has past now I am fitting well to this place, at least that is what I think.
Also I am glad to hear that you are living in your dream life.
Today's meal was very very good. My friends and I really enjoyed it. Even though we were full we pushed oursleves and ate as much as we could. It was also a good chance to try various Chinese food and dim sum. I want to say thank you for being kind to us.
I think we were able to enjoy the trip because everybody gave us a warm welcome. It was a great chance to experience Chinese food.
I also want to share some story about a trip to China. This spring Reserve choir, orchestra and band went to China. We visitied Beijing, Shanghai, Xian, and Suzuo. One of our major objects was to exchange music culture with Chinese students.
I was very pleased with the sound Chinese traditional instruments. Especially one performance we saw at Suzuo. We went to this art and design college and the students there were excellent. It was my first time seeing and listening to traditional Chinese music. I really liked one instrument called Erhu, it sounded very similar to violin. I actually purchased one hoping that someday I will be able to play it well.
Moreover, the Chinese people were very nice to us. I am still in touch with about two to three Chinese students I met there. If you ask me one thing that was very memoriable, then I will pick the Great Wall. When first saw the Great Wall the first thing I said was "wow" That was all I could say. Simply wow, that is how impressed I was. I knew the difficulties they face when they were building it and I learned why when I saw it.
How could human build such a thing on mountain like the Great Wall? I felt fresh as I climbed the Great Wall. I was pleased because I was witnessing one of the greatest world history with my own body. If I get a chance I would like to visit again with my friends.
Terracotta Warriors were also memorable. The warriors to protect Qin Shi Huangdi's after life. I have seen some cases people beliving in after life and bringing their valuables to their thumb but this was different.
It was big. Just like the Great Wall, it was unbelivable. Thinking about how long it took them to build them..wow I guess nothing is impossible to do in this world.
I would like to talk about food I had there. It was GOOD. I was excited because it was my first time trying REAL Chinese food. Today it is easy to find Chinese restaurants around but they are all Americanized. The favorite food I had was Peking Duck and KFC ^_^. Peking duck was delicious especially the sauce that came with the duck. It was a new experience for me.
The reason why I put KFC is because I thought it was better than American KFC and the spicy chicken burger was really really spicey. I loved it!
I also enjoyed shopping there. Many new asian style clothings and souvenirs. I bout some shoes, shirts, pants and hats there. Most of the stuff I bought is hard to see in the United States. I really enjoyed the trip to China with my friends and I hope I can visit again in the near future with my friends.
Sorry for sending my email this late. I am still in a process of learning English so I hope or I can say please edit it before putting on newspaper, if you are going to..
Again, thank you for everything today^^


Hello Ms. Pu,
Thank you for giving my class the opportunity to visit your Chinese journal.
It's really a great thing you're doing for the community. I can imagine how wonderful it would be to move to a foreign country and discover a newspaper in my own language! It's nice to see someone who has truly reached for their dreams and achieved what they've always wanted.
My experience with the Chinese language and country is pretty limited, I'm afraid. The only other country I've ever visited is Canada where I spent an entire day in Toronto's China Town. It was there that I first became exposed to "true" Chinese cuisine, something which my mom appreciated seeing that she's a vegetarian. I've always been fascinated with Asian culture and languages. When I heard that the language department at Western Reserve was considering beginning a Mandarin program I begged my Latin teacher to push for the class. During my freshman year I doubled up on languages, Latin and German. However, once Mandarin was added I dropped German and decided to take on Mandarin. It is one of the toughest courses I have ever taken and I am enjoying the challenges that come with this difficult language. However,
I refuse to give up and my perseverance is slowly paying off. Ms. Chen is one of the most phenomenal teachers I've ever encountered and I am fortunate to have the opportunity to learn from her. She doesn't just teach the language, she introduces us to the culture. My class has sang Chinese songs during Western Reserve's Culture Night, ordered food in Chinese, eaten tons of Chinese food, and performed memorized conversations in front of the class. It has been an exciting year and I can hardly believe that my first year of Chinese is coming to an end. I hope to travel to China one day. I would like to go once I know the language well enough to communicate with native Chinese people. I have seen pictures, watched movies, and read stories about China, but that's doesn't come even close to the experience of actually visiting the country. If the next two years go well I would like to continue Chinese college because I believe that it is an important language to know, considering China's growing economical power. There are also a lot of scientific opportunities in China and if I major in science, as I plan to do, I would like to do research in China. It's a lot to look forward to. Being in Ms. Chen's Mandarin I class is just the beginning.

Thank You!
Morgan Peele
Western Reserve Academy Class of 2009






