〔本報訊〕三月二十六日晩七點,在Shaker Heights High
DR.JAMES 還談到他們的姊妹學校上海外國語大學附屬外國語學校,兩所學校之間已經有三年的合作關係,這次他們將聯合演出。
負責人DR.JAMES PACES和主持人李路玲小姐
This band is a group of musicians from Shaker Heights
High School. The students in this band range in age from 14 to 18 and
almost all of them will attend college after completing high school.
Superior performance and in-depth study are hallmarks of the
performing arts at Shaker Heights High School. Nearly 40% of the
school’s students are enrolled in music or theatre ensembles.
Performances are supplemented by participation in festivals, state and
national conventions and competitions, and international tours. In
recent years, the band has visited Germany, France, and Italy. The
students, directors, and chaperones deeply appreciate the opportunity
to visit and perform in the People’s Republic of China.
SHAKER HEIGHTS is a suburb of the city of Cleveland in
the state of Ohio, USA. It is home to 30,000 residents of diverse
cultural backgrounds. Long known for the beauty of its homes and
parklands, Shaker Heights is also renowned for its commitment to
educational excellence. The Shaker Heights City School District was
founded in 1912 and today Shaker Heights High School educates a highly
diverse student body in grades 9-12. Long regarded as one of the
finest schools in the United States, Shaker is known best for its
extensive curriculum, outstanding faculty, and innovative programs,
leading to academic success. Families come to Shaker Heights from all
over the United States and around the world. This diversity enables
our students to accomplish one of our schools’ most important goals:
“to have a knowledge of our global and multicultural society.”
In pursuit of this goal, Shaker Heights High School offers
instruction in six world languages and student exchange programs with
schools in seven countries. The school has a strong interest in
furthering students’ understanding of Asian peoples and cultures. For
20 years, the High School has offered an Asian Studies course focusing
on the history and culture of Japan and the People’s Republic of
China. In 2005, Shaker initiated a student exchange program with the
Shanghai Foreign Language Institute. In 2006, the school added a
course in Mandarin Chinese, taught by a visiting teacher from the
Beijing area under the sponsorship of Hanban.