Invit to a reception in honor
of Dr. Angelin Chang
You are cordially invited to a reception in honor of
Dr. Angelin Chang
Winner of the 2007 Grammy Award for
"Best Instrumental Soloist Performance with Orchestra"
Tuesday, March 27
The reception will immediately follow the faculty Recital
at 8:00 p.m. featuring Arthur Klima, viola
with Angelin Chang and Eric Ziolek, piano.
Waetjen Auditorium
Music and Communication Building
2001 Euclid Avenue
The recital will be broadcast live on WCLV 104.9 FM.
Please respond by calling (216) 687-3660
Parking is available in Lot PF
(Directly behind the Music and Communication Building )
Sponsored by the Office of the President, Office of the Provost,
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, Cleveland State
University Alumni Association, and the Department of Music and the
Organization of Chinese Americans of Greater Cleveland .
Angelin Chang's website http://angelinchang .com/
Cleveland State University http://www.csuohio. edu/ |