
















Belly Dance的表演, 她們的激情和歡樂感染着在場的每一位觀衆



來自俄亥俄州的Dr. Victoria Chi-Lough ,她的演講題目是Joy of Life

Joy of Life

I was originally going to present a speech about the "Jny of Stress", however, since today is too joyful, I believed it would be more beneficial to give stress a break; therefore, I decided to change the subject to the "Joy of Life".
       Everybody knows that if you are enjoying life you will smile or laugh. If you laugh a lot, it will make you a happy person. If'you're happy, your work will be more proficient and people tend to like you more. If you have more friends, you will eejoy your life wihh peace, happiness and be overall healthier
     May l introduce the anatomy of laughter?
     Laughing can stimulate the entire body. Every time yon laugh, according to research, your body produces endorphins. This raises your hormones and is a natural pain reliever. Once your level of hormones increases, your immune system goes up. Therefore, you will be healthier.
     This is also esmblished by the fact that if you can laugh more than three times a day, your body can burn 70%-80% times as much calories then if you were in a resting state, You may also look ten years ymmgcr and extend your life by a decade, lf you have wrinkles, they may fade away':, if you have gray hair, laughter may help bring back your natural color.
      Yet, what happens if your job requires a serious environment and laughter is frowned upon? One way is to go to a private room look in the mirror make funny faces and manipuiate your brain into laughing. As long as you laugh, your body will produce more endorphins, which can only benefit you.
     One year, before Christmas, my secretary said to me by the upcoming holiday I would not have a secretary. I asked why and she replied "I am 29 years old and you told me if laugh 3 times a day I will look ten years younger. Well I laugh more than three times a day so by Christmas you might have to change my diaper?"
     I hope you all enjoyed my speech and that I hope eveuyone here wilI enjoy the rest of their life in peace, hsppiness and in health. If anyone is more interested in getting more information on "Joy of Life", you can contact me by writing to P.O box 718 Newark, OH 43055. Thank you.


各位來賓好,今夜讓我們爲女性的光輝來歡乎,問世間愛爲何物?敎人生死難忘,這個愛是母愛。是至高無上,無法替代,日日月月無怨無悔,歲歲年年無止無盡。永永遠遠的付出,從不要求回報。是世間兒女,永世難忘,縱有寸草心,難報三寸輝。也是陰陽和合,男女相親之愛,傳宗接代, 創造宇宙繼起的生命,繼往開來,傚法天地仁心愛萬物,這就是女性的光輝.如明月的皎潔.如陽光的溫暖.而天地之愛.是以女性爲主導。中國神話女蝸氏補天,以養生民至今,女蝸氏就是女性,是中國的愛神。再看陰陽.陰爲先陽爲後,更説明瞭愛是以女性爲本。
      所以我們要向偉大的女性,以無比的尊敬來慶祝今夜,但求永永遠遠沐浴在女性的光輝,今夜若不能共沉醉,也會將愛帶入夢鄉。在座單身的女性貴族,您是男士們的焦點,您的光輝將在情人節大放光芒。男士們起來吧!有花堪折只需折,莫待無花空折枝。必要以緣生緣,更要以緣惜緣。不要讓靑春留百空過了今生。最後相書上説,豬年得子大富大貴。祝新春快樂,萬事大吉!莫忘今宵,莫負今宵。 劉天擎賀詞.


