












張安麟姐妹同本文作者Roy Weaver

 Angelin Chang's performance at Drinko Recetal Hall on November 21 was inspiring, passionate, professional, and moving! While there were no doubt many proud members of the audience, none could have been prouder than me.
     As a long-time family friend for nearly 40 years, I had followed Angelin's career from her early years. As an undergraduate student at Ball State, I worked as a student assistant for her father Teh Kuang Chang, a professor in the Department of Political Science. "Ted," as he asked me to call him then, was instrumental in my first glimpse of the larger world when he led a group of Ball State students to New York City for the Model United Nations. I still can visualize Chinatown and the Rockets at Radio City Hall.
     He, and Angelin's mother Grace, often invited me into their home for dinner. Over time, I knew all of the Chang children - Angelo, Angelina, Angel, and Angelin. In a sense I "felt a part of the family," since I knew their parents for some time before the children knew them.
      Being in Cleveland for Angelin's performance was a joy, not only because of my first chance to see her perform, but also because, as Dean of the Teachers College at Ball State University, of the opportunity to provide a reception for Ball State alumni and Angelin's friends and colleagues. It was especially nice that Angelina was able to fly in from San Francisco to be with Angelin and attend the performance as well. Both Angelin and Angelina attended Burris Laboratory School and Ball State University.
     My respect for and appreciation of the Change family has endured for more than four decades. While I could provide a number of illustrations for such high regard, the following story demonstrates my point. While visiting with Angelin and Angelina, I learned that they were driving to Muncie to spend Thanksgiving with their family.
On Thanksgiving afternoon, Angelin came to my house and talked with my granddaughter Maya, who just began taking piano lessons. She asked Maya to play for her. Angelin listened, provided encouragement and motivation. She was inspiring. Angelin also played part of a Mozart sonata. She autographed and left two CDs of her performances.
     This is the kind of generosity, kindness, and care for others that I have found so characteristic of the Chang family. There are few people in life that we can truly call life-time friends. For me, Angelin, her brother, two sisters, and parents have been and are a very special part of my life!

    張安麟的鋼琴演奏會“紀念莫扎特250周年音樂會”吸引了華報讀者,照片上的小女孩李樂如(前排)英文名Audrey Li, 4歲11個月,出生於Columbus, Oh, 現住 Beachwood, 從去年9月開始在Cleveland Music School Settlement 學習鋼琴,用的是 Suzuki(鈴木)敎學法, 老師是Cara Chowning。

當日還有CSU的學生和TOKYO 的經理TONY LIN一起與張安麟合影留念


