












    支持挽救亞洲常靑公寓基金籌款超過預期目標,常靑公寓大樓終于保住了! 克城2006年9月9日 克利夫蘭華裔老人協會主席HenryLuu,亞洲常靑公寓主席Jim Lim共同向外界宣佈,挽救亞洲常靑公寓基金籌款超過了預期的目標。
    HenryLuu説:我們已經從71個捐款人哪里籌集了總數爲 $123,020.00的基金,超過了我們原定的10萬美元的籌款目標的20%。這次籌集到的挽救亞洲常靑公寓基金將用于支付在等待HUD補助款重新啓動期間所需要的費用。現在我們有了必要的基金,它將保證在HUD的補助款不到位的情况下亞洲常靑公寓能夠正常運轉。
   Jim Lim指出:本次籌款活動得到令人振奮的結果,這是全體支持常靑公寓大樓組織共同努力的結果。我代表常靑公寓的全體居民,向所有爲常靑公寓基金捐款的人士表示感謝!對那些幾經準備捐款,但還未來得及行動的人士,請將你們的支票送到或寄到克利夫蘭華裔老人協會(Cleveland Chinese Senior Citizens Association),亞洲常靑公寓基金,Asian Evergreen Fund, 3843 Payne Ave, Cleveland, OH 44114.


HenryLuu      Jim LimA

Cleveland September 9, 2006 Henry Luu, President of Cleveland Chinese Senior Citizens Association and Jim Lim, President of Asian Evergreen Housing Corporation, jointly announced the successful completion of the Asian Evergreen Fund drive.
    Henry Luu said "We have raised a total of $123,020.00 from 71 donors exceeded our original goal of One Hundred Thousand Dollars by over 20%. The Asian Evergreen Fund will be used to bridge funding the Asian Evergreen Building while waiting for the HUD funding to resume. Now we have this fund, Asian Evergreen building will be able to continue operate during those periods when HUD funding is delayed.".
    Jim Lim said "This is a fantastic joint effort by all the organizations that support the Asia Evergreen Building. On behalf of the residents at Asian Evergreen Apartments, we want to thank all those who have donated to the Asian Evergreen Fund. For those who plan to donate and still have not done so, please forward your check to Cleveland Chinese Senior Citizens Association, Asian Evergreen Fund, 3843 Payne Ave, Cleveland, OH 44114."

Attached please find an Asian Evergreen Fund Honor Roll listing all the donors and signed by the residents of the Asian Evergreen Apartments.

Cleveland Chinese Senior Citizens Association
Asian Evergreen Fund Honor Roll

Gold Level $10,000 & up
Cleveland Foundation
Korean American Assoc of Greater Cleveland
Margaret W Wong
River Foundation

Silver Level $1,000 to $9,999
Cleveland Chinese Christian Church
Crawford & Mary Leo
Dr. & Mrs. H. S. Hung
Jason Lin on behalf of Guoi Tran children
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Luu
Mr. & Mrs. Khai Hwan Lim
Mrs. Donna C. Hom
Mrs. Wong Ma and Children
Norman & Sara Chen
Prof & Mrs. Yoh Han Pao
Prof. Richard Pao
Technical Consumer Products Inc.
The Chien-Wei Liao Trust

Bronze Level $100 to $999
China Merchandise of Ohio
Diana M Lee
Dr. & Mrs. Peter & Mei Mei Tang
Dr. & Mrs Kenneth & Donna Fung
Edward Hwee
George & Kerry Lieu
Jian & Virginia Wang
Joanna & Michael Weng
KW & CW Liao Family Charitable Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Chang-Shung Chai
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hom
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Li
Mr. & Mrs. Heng Ly
Mr. & Mrs. Jende Hsu
Mr. & Mrs. John Chan
Mr. & Mrs. John Lai
Mr. & Mrs. Le Ping Cai
Mr. & Mrs. Man Sun Sy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Liao
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Chen
Mr. & Mrs. Philip & Lorna Fung
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Yu
Mr. & Mrs. Yat-Sun Leung
Mr. & Mrs. Zheng Xiang Li
Mr. Jeffrey Hongyu Chen
Mr. Winston Liao
Mr. Young G. Kwong
Mr.& Mrs. Chen C. Ying
Mrs. Vivien Liu
Ms. Alice Kao
Ms. Jeanette Grasselli Brown
Ms. Lily Wong
Ms. Yook Fung Jung
Qiong M Ngo
Ren Xue Wu
Teresa Chiang
The Lubrizol Foundation (John Lai)
Wen & Christina Ko
William Young
Wu Li Xian

Supporter Up to $99
Dr. & Mrs. Lieng Kong Siew
Mr. & Mrs. Gin Jan On
Mr. Brian & Irene Christian
Mr. Qian Li
Mr. Timothy Fung
Ms. Jane B. Lee
In-kind Donation
Anne Pu for providing Erie Chinese Journal publication
Anthony Yen for Providing Radio Broadcasting
Benson Lee for assisting the Cleveland Foundation Grand Application
Chin C Ying for translating the announcement to Chinese.
Ivy Yu for providing World Journal Publication
John Joyce, Retiree Housing Management for its in kind contribution.
Margaret Wong for facilitating the Chinese Community Meeting

Total Donors 71
Total Amount $123,020.00

The Residents of the Asian Evergreen Apartments
Sincerely Thank the above Donors for saving their Residences.



