











People to People Program in Greater Cleveland

Anthony Y. Yen and Chen jin-hua, Chen jin-hua is President of China Enterprise Confederation and China Enterprise Directors Association. Former Vice Chairman of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Mayor of Shanghai, Director of State Planning Commission.


China is the fastest growing economy in the world. The trade between United States of America have reach over $100 billion per year and continue to grow each year. It is so important for us, American to be able to communicate with Chinese. Almost all the Chinese Schools are teaching English. The Chinese people recognize the important for their future to train their children to learn English language. When you visit China you will have no problem to find somebody can speak English. But in United States you will have difficult time to find American speak Chinese. Matter of the fact, most of our diplomat station in American Embassy or American Consulates in China do not speak Chinese. They depended on Chinese to interpret for them. For your information this is not the case for diplomats from other countries such as England, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Russia etc.
I am proud to report to you that the Greater Cleveland may lead the way to be one of the American City will start to teach Chinese in our schools to prepare our children for the future. I want to thank the visionary leaders who made this opportunity possible for our youth.
On June 3 Mme. Li June Song representing Beijing Municipal Education Commission and Mr. Wan Han, Principal of Beijing June First Middle School and delegation visited Cleveland. a meeting were held at City Council, representatives from Cleveland Municipal School , Hathaway Brown School, Cleveland Art Museum and many civic organization and business leaders attended. Council President Martin Sweeny stated in his welcome remark emphasized the importance of learning the Chinese language and exchange teacher and students between China and United States.
    Last year Hathaway Brown School established the exchange program with Beijing June First Middle School. I believe Hathaway Brown School under their visionary leader was the first Greater Cleveland School have established the people to people exchange program. Teachers from China visited Cleveland last year and Hathaway Brown School expected to send their teachers to China in the Fall and students in early 2007.
    China is the fastest trade partner of United States. It is very important to have more exchange between the people to learn about each other's cultural and history. Leaders in United States government, business and education all recognized the importance to teach Chinese in the school. In recent year the United States Government under President Bush’s directive has set up grant to encourage school to teach Chinese. The Chinese Government has encouraged Chinese cities to reach out to establish friendship program with American cities and set up grants for teach Chinese Language in American School.
    We are very fortunate to have Beijing June First School visit us. As Beijing June First Middle School are one of the Chinese Middle School authorized by Chinese Government to receive foreign students. They have over 2000 foreign students from 30 countries. So far Beijing June First Middle School has signed memo of understanding for teacher and student exchange program with Hathaway Brown School, Strongsville School District High School, Solon School District, Cleveland Municipal School, and Solon Chinese School.
    On June 12, 2006, Under the leadership of Pu Ying , the Publisher of Eire Chinese Journal she called a follow up to June 3 meeting to review how we can help Greater Cleveland School to teach Chinese language as part of their regular curriculum. A round table of visionary individual representative from City Council, Cleveland Municipal School, Civic and Community leaders met to plan. All of them recognize the importance to the future of the Greater Cleveland to teach Chinese to our youth and prepare them for the future. To identify the way and the approach to take to reach out to the community for funding and to explain the need and importance to teach Chinese language to our youth. To invite other organization such as Teacher's Union to joint this program. This working session gave encouragement and confidence to all the attendee the hope and desire to work hard to make this program a success.
    I am very excited to see progress are been made in this area. I am a true believer that through communication we will develop understanding, through understanding we will find solution and peace. To learn the language is a must in communication.

Anthony Y. Yen
Host-Producer, "Asian Hour" And Chinese Cultural Foundation




