2009,俄州東北部地區共有五個單位獲此榮譽,包括: Alloy Engineering
(設計和生産耐熱和耐腐蝕金屬製品),International Transport Services (國際運輸服務,
海陸空出口進口全方位物流服務),Pressco Technology Inc (生産視頻質量檢驗設備), Quality
Electrodynamics (醫療設備工程設計和製造),Volk Optical (生産診斷和治療眼疾産品)。
图片:國際運輸服務公司是長期支持華報的廣吿客戶,總裁楊萊利Larry Yankow
接受州長特德斯特里克蘭 Ted Strickland 的頒奬 |
To Our Favorite Customers and Dear Friends,
We are excited to announce that on Wednesday, August
26th, Governor Ted Strickland awarded International Transport
Services the 2009 Governor’s Excellence in Exporting Award
(E-Award). This award was bestowed upon us during the luncheon and
award ceremony as part of the Ohio Global Summit. The Governor’s
award honors those Ohio businesses that exhibit superior performance
in exporting and their contributions made to the Ohio economy.
International Transport Services’ receipt of the
E-Award is made possible because of our dedicated staff and the
trust and commitment that you have placed in each of us through the
years. We are proud of our Ohio heritage as we celebrate 23 years in
Lastly, thank you for being part of International Transport
Services. It is you, our partners, that make this award possible.
Larry Yankow (President)
www.InternationalTransportServices.com |