












瞭解中國文化接觸華人世界參與中文旗艦工程使我更感到學習中文的重要性     右一Casey Lister(劉克實)
    This Monday I had the pleasure and opportunity of meeting the CEO of TCP, Inc., Mr. Ellis Yan. Mr. Yan’s insights into the future of Chinese language learning convinced me that my choice to attend The Ohio State University’s Chinese Flagship Program was indeed the correct one.
     My greatest motivation in learning Chinese has been to understand a culture different from my own and bridge gaps in communication with my Chinese counterparts. My previous experience in marketing and advertising has created my career goal of working with Chinese in a marketer capacity. In 2008, I chose to attend OSU’s Chinese Flagship Program based on its mission of preparing “global professionals”. The Flagship Program has provided me not only with cultural and language knowledge but also with a domain mentor in my major area of study. My personal belief is that the Flagship method of teaching prepares me for a career working with Chinese in the Chinese culture. This represents a major split from the traditional Chinese language tracks that focused on China research from an outsider’s perspective.
Mr. Yan’s vision of the future Chinese language training is that language and culture need to be learned in a complementary role. Those who are only able to speak Chinese, but lack professional focus are of little use to the future of international business. Similarly, those that have technical ability but lack language skill require extra guidance when visiting China. Hence, those who are eager to enter into a career in international business should commit to the paragon of the employee that possesses technical ability, language skill, and cultural understanding.
   Hearing this opinion come from one of the most successful businessmen in both America and China only underscores its importance.








