回顧美中建交三十周年 共創未來
俄州州長會見彭總領事 增進合作
From left: Stewart Chase, Dir, Boggs, Dept. of Agricultural, Amb.Peng
Ke Yu, Governor Strickland, Dir. Barbash, Dept. of Development,
[本報訊〕中國駐紐約總領事彭克玉一行在克利夫蘭"Asian Radio
Strickland表示,明年如有機會將前往中國訪問。 |
This year is the
thirtieth anniversary of normalization of diplomatic relations
between the USA and the People's Republic of China. It is also the
thirtieth anniversary of the Sister State relationship between Hubei
Province and the State of Ohio, Ohio was the first State in the USA
to enter a Sister State relationship with a Chinese Province. I
accompanied Ambassador Han Xu to meet Governor James Rhodes and
during the meeting, the idea of establishing the Sister State
between two Midwestern industrial states was consummated Looking
back through the years there is so much progress made through the
years as China became stronger and the overseas Chinese gained more
opportunity in the USA. With the election of our new President Obama
several Chinese now have cabinet positions. We should all work hard
to promote better relationship and understanding between China and
the USA.
Ambassador Peng Ke Yu, Consul General of the People's
Republic of China in New York has Ohio as one of the ten States
under the New York Consulate General's care. Before his assignment
to New York , Ambassador Peng was the Consul General in San
Francisco . This was the first time Ambassador Peng visited Ohio. I
was very pleased to participate in Ambassador Pang’s meeting with
Governor Strickland,
Ambassador Pang’s stated China wishes to purchase more products from
Ohio. Currently China has purchased multi-billion dollars worth of
aircraft components such as jet engines, landing gears, tires and
wheels and hydraulic systems as well as agricultural products such
as soy beans from Ohio. Governor Strickland mentioned Ohio
appreciates China 's offer to buy more products from Ohio. Ohio
considers the relationship with China extremely important. Ohio now
has three offices in China, Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. Ohio is
looking forward to work with China on research and development on
the clean coal technology, bio-tech and solar energy as well as wind
energy etc. The meeting was also attended by Director Barbash of
Dept. of Development, Director Boggs of Dept. Agricultural and Mr.
Colopy, Advisor to the Governor, and Director Sherer,Global
Marketing. After meeting with Governor Strickland we went over to
the Department of Development, Director Scherer made a briefing to
Ambassador Pang on Ohio. I was very pleased to learn that Ohio was
rated as the highest among all the States to receive investments
from foreign companies. Many outstanding achievements include one of
the largest flexible solar panel producers in the world, which is
located in Ohio.
I proudly mentioned to Ambassador Peng when he next visit Cleveland
we have the world's best Health Care System, The Cleveland Clinic
Foundation. We further have outstanding cultural institutions. The
Cleveland Art Museum, the world famous Cleveland Orchestra....
Ambassador Peng assured me that he would visit Ohio again soon.
Anthony Yen
Host and Producer of the "Asian Radio Hour" |
背景資料: 俄州與湖北省締結友好關係
克里夫蘭地區也有許多成功的企業家和商家與中國有貿易往來,比如TCP 節能公司在中國有生産厰家,Eddy Ni
在中國做房産投資,還有許多人都在做中國産品代理商,等等。可以説中美關係的發展影響到每一個領域,影響着我們的生活。 |