文:浦瑛 |

克城校長Michael Schwartz,孔子學院(College of
Education院長麥可勞林(James McLoughlin),主任陳麗卿,企業家嚴雲泰和TCP 總裁ELLIS YAN先生,雙方就經濟文化合作這一話題加深了交流
TCP总裁ELLIS YAN的故事在本報刋登後,在華人圈里也引起震動,大家爲這樣一位在美國白手起家,從十個人開始創業發展到今天擁有一萬五千員工的企業家而感嘆,在敬佩之餘,還得感謝中國改革的浪潮,ELLIS
YAN 成了新世紀的“資本家”。
四月九日,我十分榮幸地和克利夫蘭大學校長Michael Schwartz,克利夫蘭州大孔子學院,大學敎育與人力服務學院(College
of Education and Human Services)院長麥可勞林(James McLoughlin),主任陳麗卿,企業家嚴雲泰先生一起前往TCP,會見了總裁ELLIS
在午餐桌上,ELLIS YAN開門見山先説了,我是搞企業的,賺錢的,您們是搞敎育的,培養人才的,但敎育最終目的就是要培養企業人才。校長Michael接着話題就説:學校就希望多一點像你這樣的學生;校長的幽默加上ELLIS
YAN的健談,一個半小時很快就過去了。其中ELLIS YAN提到目前全球人對中國的期盼;他説,有一天他下飛機在機場見到OH的參議員,因爲參議員全家人都要去中國上海定居二年,參議員拉着ELLIS
ELLIS YAN是一個喜歡挑戰,喜歡創新的人,他的血液里還帶着冒險的因子。所以很多事情在選擇的過程中,或者説在做的過程中,對他是一種自然的行爲,而不是説有意去怎么做,因爲他本身就具備着這樣一種慾望和激情。四月十五日,我去TCP拿我要寫的材料,巧合中午是他們季度大會,二百左右的員工在ELLIS
YAN激情的十五分鐘演講中,更加充滿信心。ELLIS YAN指出:目前全美國經濟不景氣,油價上漲,但TCP前景無限美好,第一季度大家就拿到了很高的奬金,他感謝大家,沒有大家的合作,TCP也不會有今天的成功。大會上他還提出更新的設想和計劃。他説他們今天的成績來的不易,TCP要幫助所有需要幫助的社區和社團組織。給學生們設基金,給無贏利的社團提供捐款計劃,如他説的二十一世紀,是一個回收和節能時代。他説過去我們每家都會看到有些學生挨家挨戶出售巧克力、餅乾花生等等,那是爲了幫助學校和他們參與的組織籌集資金。那現在也可以用同樣的方法來出售TCP的節能燈。他希望他的全體成員都能將公司當自己家,有任何建議和意見及時吿訴他。最後他希望每一個人每天每時每刻都要朝積極的好的一面去想,因爲世上萬物時時刻刻都在變好,他説了近期他在機場等候飛機起飛,因爲誤點8個小時,他在機場從上到下,從冰淇淋吃到水果點心,而他對自己説一句話:TAKE
IT AND LOVE IT。因爲他沒有別的選擇,唯一的就是朝好的去想,那么留給自己的是一個平靜的心。 ELLIS YAN還曾經説過:“人生短暫,不容蹉跎”。當一個人步入正確的軌道並踏踏實實做事時,只要你認定自己,朝前走,成功是早晩的事,成功不是刻意追求的結果,而是自我認同與外界評價相統一,成功也就是走過所有通向失敗的路,最後只剩下一條路,不放棄不回頭就行了”。
ELLIS YAN以異常的冷靜、精明和遠見,還有他獨有的永不停息的進取心,一步一個腳印,創建起他往日自己擁有專利的“節能燈”的龐大企業。 |
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TCP季度大會結束後,公司提供了免費燒烤午餐,本報記者採訪了數十位員工,他們一致表示在TCP工作十分快樂,公司提供了十分好的福利,奬金制度完善,同時他們還説ELLISYAN 對員工熱情。在全美經濟不很樂觀的形勢下,他們對自己現在的工作和收入很滿意。 |
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Following his keynote address, President Clinton greets Ellis Yan,
President and CEO of TCP, Inc, Title sponsor the Summit and one of the
seven charter members of the newly established Mayors Climate
Protection Community launched during the two day meeting
Mayors Climate Protection Summit
Energy Efficient Lighting Impacts the Environment
Praising mayors for their commitment to reduce carbon emissions in the
community, Ellis Yan, President & CEO of TCP inc, explained to more
thank one hundred of America's mayors gathered for U.S. Conferences of
Mayors Summit in Seattle that lighting is one of the easiest and most
immediate ways tin make a big impact on the environment.
He explained that it doesnˉt require a major lifestyle change and the
first step is getting residents and businesses within our communities
to turn off Thomas Edison?ˉs incandescent light bulb and switch to
more energy efficient lighting options TCP, Inc, the Title Sponsor for
the Summit, is the largest manufacturer of energy efficient compact
fluorescent lamps (CFLs) in the world; producing one million CFLs
every day. The CFLs account for a reduction in greenhouse gas
emissions of fifty thousand tons. |
TCP Hosts illumiNation – the Twisted Truths of Energy Saving CFLs
Earth Day event to educate Americans about making the switch to energy
efficient lighting
Aurora, OH – Energy saving compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) are
revolutionizing lighting around the world, but mixed reports about the
benefits versus the risks are leaving many consumers in the dark. On
Earth Day, Tuesday, April 22, TCP, Inc., the world’s largest
manufacturer and innovator of the CFL, will host illumiNation, an
interactive, online education event to dispel the misconceptions and
set the record straight on the new light bulb that’s reshaping
lighting for the new century. The event begins at 9:00 a.m. EDT and
will be streamed live on www.tcpi.com/earthday. The program will also
run at noon, 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. EDT. (A media preview is
scheduled for Thursday, April 17 at noon, EDT.)
IllumiNation will focus on “Twisted Truths” of CFLs, the most common
concerns consumers have about the product, including: :
o CFLs contain mercury and are not good for the environment
o CFLs only come in one color
o CFLs can’t be used in all applications
o CFLs are too expensive
o CFLs are not widely available
o CFLs cause migraines
Consumers will also have an opportunity to ask questions of TCP’s team
of lighting experts in a live Q&A segment at the end of the program.
“Over the next five years, governments around the world, including the
United States, will begin phasing out inefficient light bulbs in favor
of more energy efficient technologies, including CFLs, which has many
consumers asking questions about the pros and cons of making the
switch,” said Ellis Yan, CEO, TCP, Inc. “illumiNation will offer an
unprecedented, inside look at the manufacturing process, product
innovations, and environmental drivers that are helping CFLs replace
and rival old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs in every way.”
TCP, Inc. is the global leader in energy efficient lighting
innovations dedicated to creating high-quality products that are
brighter, longer lasting and better for the environment. Headquartered
outside Cleveland, Ohio, the company manufactures nearly 1.4 million
energy saving compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) every day,
accounting for a majority of the CFLs sold in the United States and an
annual reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of more than 118 million
pounds. TCP’s innovative product line extends beyond CFLs to include
cold cathode, LED and linear lighting solutions. The company markets a
variety of energy efficient lighting brands for commercial, industrial
and residential applications, including n:vision at The Home Depot,
SpringLight, and EcoVations. TCP employs more than 15,000 people
globally and totaled more than $300 million in sales in 2007. For more
information, visit us at www.tcpi.com or call (800) 324-1496. |