Learner Building 的一名postdoctor。 不幸的是在三個月 之前,他被發現罹 患晩期肝癌。儘管積極治療,
但他的病情仍在急劇惡化, 他目前身體狀况極差, 已無多日。 現在已出現大量腹水和胸水。 一周以前他因呼吸困難入住CCF病房,接受臨終前的關懷治療。遺憾的是他的太太近年未能工作,還有一個3歲的孩子需要照顧和一個剛剛上大學的女兒需要支付學費及生活費。他們目前面臨着精神上和生活上雙重的壓力和困難。
我們發起爲張醫生捐款, 無論多少都是愛。同時我們也可以呼籲我們的街坊鄰居和美國朋友給出他們的關愛。謝謝!
支票請寫給: Yiqing Jiang-CCCCA-CO
郵寄地址: Yiqing Jiang
30 Riverstone Dr.
Moreland Hills, Ohio 44022
Phone# 216-798-2021
We need help. Dr. Zhang has been an employee in
the Cleveland Clinic as a postdoctor. He is suffering from liver
cancer and is almost coming to the end of his life. Dr. Zhang will
leave his wife and two children, one in college, and the other 3 years
old. His wife currently does not have a job, so supporting the family
when Dr Zhang passes away will be very hard. We all should help them
during this difficult time. No matter how much you give, it will be
very helpful to them. We also should respect their privacy and not
visit them. Thank you for your help and support toward their family
during this time. |