葉思勤姐姐從澳大利亞來的一封感謝信 |
Dear Ms Anne Y. Pu,
Today is 11th of March and has been 33 days since we left Cleveland on
6th of February. Since we left we have been travelling to Hong Kong
and Guangzhou and just returned to Melbourne on 22nd of February. It
would be a good manner that we should have emailed you while we
journeyed home. We still have a bit of burn out feeling so we did not
do so. This could be the effect of long haul flying.
Here, we really want to express how much we owe you a debt of
gratitude for what you've done while we were in Cleveland. Your
hospitality, your compassion toward my grieving family, your precious
time and your publication are the areas you delivered that we have to
extend my thanksgiving heart.
Attached to this email is a photo which is trace of memory that we
once sat and talked together. We wish that we will come and pass time
with you together one day.
May God bless you and
With best regards
Holly Ye and Eric Yau |