













獻出友愛之心 救救亞洲長靑公寓

    經過克市華裔老人協會的多年奔走向政府的HUD申請到經費,終於在1998年建成的長靑公寓共有43個單位,現在住有45位亞裔老人。從1998年起,HUD一直都按月支付住民的補助款,但由於國會的預算問題,2005年9月以來我們就一直沒再收到任何經費,現在HUD己經欠我們居民房租補助款12萬多元。從2005年9月起,我們首先挪用公寓的維修費用預備金,用完之後公寓經理志願借用$25,000管理費來支付水電煤氣等日常開銷,最近克市華裔老人協會又支援 $25,000,預計可以用到今年二月底。
    根據公寓經理說,整棟公寓的運作費用每月約需 $25,000,假如能夠募到十萬元捐款,就可以支用到今年六月底,到時應該已經收到HUD的補助款。根據熟悉聯邦經費運作的經驗,一旦發生延遲,其效應就會延續,明年這個時侯照樣是靑黃不接,還是需要一筆現金來應急,這次要能捐到十萬元,就當作居民補助款的預備金,可以每年循還使用而一勞永逸。
Cleveland Chinese Senior Citizens Association
3843 Payne Avenue,Box B
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
    我們在此先感謝您們的善心支持,若有問題請電詢Jason Lin, 號碼216-323-9887
發信人:亞洲長靑公寓主席Jim Lim
       克市華裔老人協會主席Henry Luu

Save the Asian Evergreen Apartments

      Unless new funding is secured, the Evergreen Apartments will be shut down by the end of February. Evergreen Apartment has been the pride of the Cleveland Asian Community, it is time we work together to save this building from closing.
      Asian Evergreen Apartments was completed in 1998. It was sponsored by the Cleveland Chinese Senior Citizens Association and funded by HUD. There were 43 apartments for 45(+) elderly Asian residents. Since 1998, HUD subsidized every month to pay for the tenant’s portion of the rent. Unfortunately, due to Congressional Budget problem, we have not received this funding since September of 2005. HUD now owes us over $120,000 in tenants rent subsidies. Since September, 2005, we first used Asian Evergreen Housing Corporation’s Replacement Reserves to fund the operation. When we depleted the reserves, Retiree Housing Management, the building manager, voluntarily advanced $25,000 and deferred their management fees to keep the building operating. As sponsor of Asian Evergreen Apartments, the Cleveland Chinese Senior Citizens Association funded $25,000 in January 2006 which is expected to keep the building open until end of February.
      We have sought help from the political leaders. They told us that the budget has been approved and we should receive funding soon. But there is no funding. We tried to borrow money from the bank. Bank will not loan us money because we have no collateral. We are now pleading with the Asian Community to solicit donation to keep this building open. We know it takes approximately $25,000 a month to operate the building. We can not get a definitive answer from HUD on when HUD funding will resume. According to the Building Manager’s estimate we will need $100,000, so that we can last until the end of June.
      According to people familiar with Federal funding, once a delay happened, this funding will be needed again the following year. This is because when the funding is resumed; HUD will catch up with all the past dues and it will run out again before the end of 2006 fiscal year. Therefore, when HUD funding is resumed we will use the return funds to set up an Evergreen Reserve Fund to resolve any future funding requirements. It took over five years with strong community support to build the Asian Evergreen Apartments. This was the first and only Asian elderly housing in Ohio. It is time for us to work together again to keep the building operating. All donations are tax deductible. Please direct your donations to:
Cleveland Chinese Senior Citizens Association
3843 Payne Avenue, Box B
Cleveland Ohio, 44114
We thank you in advance for your support.
Should you have any questions, please call Jason Lin at 216-323-9887.


Henry Luu, President, Cleveland Chinese Senior Citizen’s Association

                                                        Jim Lim, President, Asian Evergreen Housing Corporation



