


  The White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders’ (WHIAANHPIs) Great Lakes Regional Network Community Roundtable
   但最重要的是在這個政府普及知識大會上,我不但瞭解到了各個部門對於廣大華裔的政策支持與保護,還瞭解到了一個叫做“俄亥俄州婦女商業中心”的部門,ECDI's Women's Business Centers (WBCs) ,爲整體企業家敎育提供了一個中心,包括培訓、指導和資源。 我們支持所有服務不足的小企業主(包括女性和男性)。通過她們的WBC,企業家可以訪問在線課程和項目、專業網絡、一對一指導、建議等。


   Attending the WHIAANHPI Great Lakes Region’s Community Roundtable was an immensely gratifying experience. As an 18-year veteran Chinese teacher, witnessing the national support and resources provided to Asian communities filled me with pride and optimism. The session on financial literacy was particularly enlightening, offering valuable insights into managing finances that are crucial for both small business owners and individuals in our community. This knowledge can significantly empower our community members to achieve greater financial stability and success, thereby enhancing their overall quality of life.
   The emphasis on language access, educational, and employment protections resonated deeply with me as a public school educator. Ensuring that all individuals have equal opportunities to access vital services and protections is fundamental to fostering an inclusive and equitable society. Personally experienced the uprising of hate comments due to my race at the workplace.   Understanding the right and resources to implement into my daily work is essential for the educators and students who look like me. The discussions around promoting language access and advocating for educational and employment rights highlighted the importance of these issues in our daily lives. Additionally, the professional networking opportunities provided a platform to connect with like-minded individuals and organizations, paving the way for future collaborations and shared successes. Overall, this event reinforced my commitment to supporting and uplifting the Asian community, leveraging the national resources and support available to us.

Raina Li

   白宮關於亞裔美國人、夏威夷原住民和太平洋島民倡議,大湖區區域圓桌會議于5月29日首次在克利夫蘭舉辦。如克利夫蘭市社區關係委員會負責亞裔聯絡的項目專員 Chia-min陳女士所言,本次活動具有歷史性意義。今年是白宮關於亞裔美國人、夏威夷原住民和太平洋島民倡議成立第25周年。這個倡議由克林頓總統簽署,得到了歷屆美國總統和亞裔民衆的積極支持。一路走來,美國亞裔在爭取權利方面取得了不少進展,但是仍然任重而道遠。
   本次大湖區區域圓桌會議由白宮關於亞裔美國人、夏威夷原住民和太平洋島民倡議辦公室牽頭舉辦,美國各相關政府部門也積極參與,包括美國公平就業機會署,社會保障局,美國移民局,美國敎育部等。這些機構除了有代表發言介紹他們提供的服務,還在現場設立展位,和與會者交流。克利夫蘭市長Justin Bibb 也出席了本次圓桌會議。參加會議的本地亞裔杰出代表濟濟一堂,一方面瞭解相關美國政府政策,另一方面也是結交人脈的良機。

Mabel 莊