



   8月6日晩上6點,克利夫蘭安良工商會在百年老唐人街皇宮餐廳隆重舉行表彰大會,表彰爲克利夫蘭唐人街做出貢獻的人們,當晩有來自克利夫蘭市政府的官員,圖書館領導Asian 等近100位嘉賓,表彰目的是感謝幫助中國城的個人和團體,希望未來美國團體能有更多的機會瞭解和支持中國城的企業和居民的生活。
   位于克利夫蘭市中心東22街與24街中的洛克威爾街(Rockwell Ave.)是克利夫蘭的老唐人街,早在1893年,該區即一度曾聚集許多華人商號及住家,街道上並有中文書寫的“唐人街”路牌,但後來該商圈沒落,商家一家家移出,大部分建築物空置。

   美國華人安良工商會安英語:On Leong Chinese Merchants Association,簡稱Chinese Merchants Association),是1893年11月創建于紐約,創辦之初爲洪門致公堂旗下的團體,爲控制唐人街的商業,華人社團經歷百年歷史,期待華人在美國更上一層。

   1.Madam Margaret Wong, 黃唯. She is an award-winning immigration lawyer and is the founder and managing partner of Margaret W. Wong & Associates. Madam Wong has been an inspiration to many, especially young immigrant professionals. As a true Cleveland advocate, she has always been giving back to the community and invest in the city’s future.
   2. Ward 7 Councilwoman Stephanie Howse, over the past 7-month, we have seen the councilwoman in our community events, business meetings and residents’ engagements. She is everywhere, when and where we need help. We are grateful of having her in our community and grateful for her passion for people and commitment to serve.
   3. Cleveland Public Library, Felton Thomas, Director of the Cleveland Public Library: CPL, as one of the nation’s leading public library systems with more than 150 years history, CPL has always been community oriented and committed to responding to community needs by providing relevant and innovative services, programming, and collections. This summer CPL brought its Artbox to AsiaTown community. This provides a public art space for Asian American artists to showcase their arts and brighten the neighborhoods. The program also hosts various culturally relevant programs such as gardening workshops, puppet shows, and craft workshops for residents of all ages.
   4. Karis Tzeng I am sure most of you have met Karis. You often see her in the AsiaTown community, helping business owners with their problems, or talking to residents asking about their families. In little over two years period, Karis not only fostered strong relationships with residents and businesses, but also successfully built an AsiaTown team. She has helped many businesses with governments grants and fundings and provided food access in the neighborhood during the pandemic. Recently, Karis has been promoted to VP of Planning in MidTown Cleveland. It is a well-deserved promotion.
   5. Neighborhood Connections, like its name indicates, NC has provided possibilities for all to connect with one and the other, and improved life in our neighborhoods. AsiaTown community and residents thank Neighborhood Connections for your kind support with our programs, especially during Covid. With your support, we could have dance teams like the Square Dance Team and Cleveland Glory Waist-drum team, our seniors could enjoy the adult literacy classes, and our garden team, 10-Miles of Spring Breeze ChinaTown. You have given many of us hope and united us during the hardship.
   6. Community Innovation Network, Case Western University: Most of AsiaTown businesses and residents know 小崔, 西西和斐然, they were/are faculty and students of Community Innovation Network at Case Western University. We want to take this opportunity to thank JP, Dr. Mark Chupp, and their program for educating, training, and guiding young people with focus on community trust and relationship building. As a part of AsiaTown Initiatives Team, we thank you for helping forming our team, and AsiaTown community thanks you for making this community an extension of their homes.
   7. ASIA Inc.
· Dr. Gouyou Chen

   Who doesn’t know Asian Service in Action 亞洲民衆服務協會和國際社區健康中心One of few organizations that has always provided full range of care and technical supports for the underserved and immigrant communities. You offer services to residents and small businesses, your services cover from physical health to self-care, (mental health) from language assistance to legal advice, from refugee resettlement to education and to career building. An non-profit with efficiency and a private sector with a good heart!
Dr. Gouyou Chen, original from the community, and has the heart to serve the community. AsiaTown residents thank you for being there with them during the pandemic.
   1,As a Community Development Corporation, CDC, Campus District has been a loyal and wonderful supporter and friend to the Chinese community in Cleveland. The Payne Avenue Project, People’s Street, and partnership with May Dugan Center you have made it possible provided food distribution for our senior residents in the heat of pandemic. We also want to thank you for your devotion to community business development, and we are looking forward to continuing working with you.
   2,Chia-Min Chen Asian Laison/Project Coordinator Community Relations Board, City of Cleveland