

 浦瑛開講:2022 Asian Heritage Day


    2022 Asian Heritage Day Celebration was on Wednesday, 5/25/22 at 6:00 pm Cleveland City Hall Rotunda.Asian Liaison, Chia-Min Chen, opened the celebration with words of thanks to many of the sponsors for the evening, and the members of the Asian Liaison Advisory Board and the Asian Planning Committee were asked to stand to be recognized. Ying Huang sang the national anthem.
   The new Community Relations Board Director, Angela Shute-Woodson gave her remarks next, followed by Gia Hoa Ryan, the longest serving board member serving the Community Relations Board Department. The Director of City Planning, Joyce Pan Huang, was the keynote speaker. Huang spoke her parents’ immigrant stories and about herself being the 1st generation American-born Chinese. Huang also spoke about the long history, generation after generation, of Asian immigrants who have come and build their new homes in this country. Huang wanted the audience to recognize how Asians have been in this country for well over 100 years, and they are Americans. Then, Pastor Grady Stevenson gave the benediction before the dinner buffet was served.

   Mark Zhang performed his magical Face Changing routine, weaving in and around the audience. No one saw him removing his mask, yet the Chinese Operatic expressions on Zhang’s face changed several times right in front of the guests. Then, Hsa Win danced a traditional Bagan dance that originated from (5th – 10th century). The performance was so elegant that one of the guests cried because she was so moved by the beauty of the dance. Lastly, Ying Huang, who used to sing for Metropolitan Opera in Italy, sang “The More We Get Together” with Chia-Min Chen trying to elicit the audience to sing-along in this classic song that has been translated into many languages around the world. The celebration was fun, and many people made new friends because Chen had purposely arranged