

浦瑛開講:投的是票 選的是人

   10月19日在麗華酒店召開了一個會議,到場的有克利夫蘭二位市長候選人Justin Bibb 和Kevin Kelley,管轄克利夫蘭華人區域Word 7 市議員TJ Dow和這次競選的新人Stephanie Howse,這次會議由活躍在克利夫蘭的華人組織美華協會,MidTown ,ASIA Inc組織 ,負責人都到場,又請了國語和廣東話的翻譯,會議1:30分開始,當日我打電話讓克利夫蘭百佳超市陳老闆來參加會議,陳老闆下了飛機直奔麗華酒店,那天華人到場的人不多。

   一位在美國很成功的報業傳媒人李蔚華常常説:在美國只要記得二件事情,鈔票和選票。克利夫蘭著名律師黃唯,她之所以德高望重就是她的實力贏得別人的尊重。任何一個社團活動,當然也包括克利夫蘭華人活動,黃唯總是支持。這次她贊助黎巴嫩組織C.A.M.E.O慶祝40 周年,她給我餐票,我帶了好朋友Jenny去參加活動,感到社團力量是如此強大啊,當然關鍵還是人,還是人與人之間的關係,人與人之間的關係離不開支持幫助和利益。
   我記得就在10月14日,Food Bank在發放食物,有許多人來,因爲當時Food Bank 食物只能提供給40人,還有10多個人沒用拿到食物,在現場幫忙的就是這次要參選的Stephanie Howse,他馬上聯繫了Foodbank,最後大家都滿意拿到食物。

Cleveland Mayor & Ward 7 Candidates AsiaTown Meet & Greet
By Wayne A. Wong, OCA Greater Cleveland
   A nonpartisan Meet & Greet with Cleveland Mayoral and Ward 7 Council candidates was organized by AsiaTown leaders on October 19, 2021. The large gathering of residents and stakeholders got to know the candidates for the vitally important election that will determine the leadership of the city and ward in which AsiaTown is located. The speakers addressed issues important to the neighborhood and Asian community. The event was held at Li Wah Restaurant and was presented in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese.
Participating were Cleveland Mayoral candidates Justin Bibb and Kevin Kelley, and Ward 7 Council candidates TJ Dow and Stephanie Howse. Each candidate had 10 minutes to introduce themselves and discuss their campaign priorities followed by responding to questions from the audience. The event was organized by Lisa Wong - OCAGC President, Karis Tzeng – Director of AsiaTown Initiatives, MidTown Cleveland, event moderator Joyce Huang - VP of Community Development, MidTown Cleveland, Elaine Tso – Chief Executive Officer, ASIA Inc, with support from many other leaders.
   Some of the issues of importance discussed include the increase of Asian hate, AAPI representation in City Hall, providing accommodations for AsiaTown seniors to meet and relax, neighborhood safety, and improving the quality of education within the city of Cleveland. After the formal presentation, some of the candidates met with attendees and had grab-and-go dinners prepared by Li Wah, provided by the Feed AsiaTown Initiative.
   The event is presented by AsiaTown Cleveland, OCA Greater Cleveland, & Asian Services in Action Inc. as part of the AAPI Civic Engagement Network of Ohio (ACE Network). A video of the event is available on YouTube - search for videos from "OCA Cleveland."