

浦瑛開講:尊敬領袖 完美雕塑

   7月29日,我看到我家隔壁鄰居20歲的女孩Alexa Tonge 在做雕塑,她是自學做雕塑,這是她第一個雕塑作品,我説星期天8月1日採訪她,她好高興,這是第一次有人採訪她,她吿訴我這個雕塑是她叔叔讓她做的。

   Alexa Tonge 和母親剛從紐約搬家到克利夫蘭,現在暫時住在她的叔叔家,我吿訴Alexa Tonge ,我們的家與她叔叔家是同一個時間建造的,我還知道早在2002年,她的叔叔造這棟房子是因爲要送給他母親,沒有想到他拿到鑰匙的那一天,是他母親去世的那一天。人生就是無常。
   現在Alexa Tonge 和母親已經找到公寓,不久她也要回到學校去上課了。
   2000年出生在紐約的Alexa Tonge 十分懂事,我請她吃早餐,她説她要自己付費,我説請她,她十分有禮貌地謝謝我,那天我眞的發現我和她有代溝。因爲科技的發展讓年輕人想的做的都與我不同,我感到自己的落伍,就拿她追求的藝術來説,她是一位以不同形式工作的藝術人,如數字攝影/視頻、數字繪畫和雕刻。未來,她有一個很好的願望:想用她的藝術以一種新的、有趣的方式來幫助人們。
   Alexa Tonge是一位有個性又自信的女孩,小的時候她去學芭蕾舞,就她一個黑人,她的媽媽吿訴她,永遠不要在乎其他人的眼睛,做好自己最重要。今天她就是一步一步去實現她的夢想。

  Frank Ross: "This is a commissioned Bust of the great William Henry Lane (Master Juba-1832). The Master Juba Bust was created by New York City artist, Alexah Tonge. He is the creator of the dance art form of Tap Dancing, which is almost 200 years old and performed in over 200 countries. Famous British author, Charles Dickens,wrote his great "American Notes Essay, about this undefeated Black American Dancer,from the "Five Points District of New York City. Master Juba Lane danced before a young Queen Victoria of England. Unfortunately he died in London,England and is buried there. American and British Commonwealth school children, should be required to read and report on the "American Notes Essay". As a known dance researcher, I cannot find a street,sign or school that is named for the world's greatest dancer, Master Juba Lane."Something is rotten,-in the State of Denmark". His new and original bust, resides in the Nations First Black Dance Museum,in Cleveland, Ohio, Curator Frank R.Ross M.A. Tel.216- 2536934. Master Juba belongs in his beloved, 5 points district of New York City.(Please Bring him home)."To everything, there is a season,a time to Dance."
Link for the book: The Grand March "The spirit of African Americans"