

浦瑛開講:各盡所能 各得所好

   7月31日,我在克利夫蘭穆斯林活動中心參加了一場Nina Turner 選舉國會議員活動,有二位主講,其中一位是Dr. Cornel West ,他是美國哲學家、政治活動家、社會批評家,他也是一位專注于種族、性別和階級的領袖人物,他在美國社會中起到積極作用。當日他表示美國是移民國家,我們應該讓所有的宗敎團結聯合起來,讓美國繁榮,讓人們過上平等美好生活。


   Dr. Cornel West在他的演講中講道:在美國的穆斯林在1965前是沒有選舉權利的,所有人權都是付出代價,來之不易的。他還表示:我相信一個致力于爲我們所有人伸張正義的人,我們要支持投票給Nina Turner ,她是一個爲美國和美國人民做實事的人。

Nina Turner 介紹
   Nina Hudson Turner (born December 7, 1967) is an American politician and educator. Turner has been a member of the faculty at her alma mater Cuyahoga Community College since 1998. She is currently a tenured assistant professor of history there, where she teaches African-American history, African-American women's history, American history, and women's studies. A member of the Democratic Party, she was a Cleveland City CouncilMember from 2006 to 2008 and an Ohio State Senator from 2008 until 2014.
   On July 1, 2013, Turner declared her candidacy for Ohio Secretary of State, challenging Republican Jon Husted.On September 18, 2014, Bill Clinton officially supported Turner's candidacy. Turner was defeated 60%–35% by Husted.
   Turner was the Democratic nominee for Ohio Secretary of State in 2014, but lost in the general election against incumbent Jon Husted, receiving 35.5 percent of the vote. She supported Bernie Sanders in his 2016 presidential campaign, and became president of the Sanders-affiliated group Our Revolution in 2017. She served as a national co-chair of Sanders' 2020 presidential campaign. Turner ran in the Democratic primary for 2021 special election for Ohio's 11th congressional district, and conceded the race after losing to Shontel Brown.