


Hi AsiaTown Businesses!
Free business highlight on Pokemon Go: We have a new resource for you - Niantic, the game developer for Pokemon Go is offering AAPI-owned businesses a free code to become a premium sponsored location (Poke Gym) on their app. This can help drive foot traffic to your business! If you are interested, please let me know - we will provide a code, and we can help your business apply.
See attached for more details (includes in English, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese)
Ohio Development Services Agency: Some updates from Ohio funds from the State:Around July 1, a new set of grant applications will become available on https://businesshelp.ohio.gov/. These applications will look very similar to what was online several months ago. The website doesn't currently show the grant opportunity, but I would create an account to be ready when it becomes live!
Local elections: This year, we have three different elections! Check or update your voter registration here: https://ohvotes.org/ Here are some key dates:
August 3rd - Special Election (District 11 Congressional Race)
Voter Registration Deadline: JULY 6th, 2021
Early Voting begins - JULY 7th, 2021
September 14th Primary (Cleveland & Suburbs)
Voter Registration Deadline: AUGUST 6th, 2021
Early Voting Starts: AUGUST 17th, 2021
November 2nd General Election
Voter Registration Deadline: OCTOBER 4th, 2021
Early Voting Starts: OCTOBER 5th, 2021
Thank you!
The AsiaTown team

Karis Tzeng
Director of AsiaTown Initiatives

1. 申請搶先體驗公測資格

2. 設立您的贊助地點以在遊戲內顯示
一旦獲得批準,您即可在《Pokémon GO》設立贊助地點(以及在未來的更多遊戲內!)。玩家將能在現實世界中玩遊戲時,看到並訪問您的贊助地點。
3. 優化結果:優化您的推廣活動以提陞交易量。在期望的時間內安排額外流量,花費的時間與精力隨您而定!
特優地點在視覺和遊戲機制上比標準地點更爲重要,也因此更能吸引玩家的注意。不同遊戲的具體機制也有所不同,就《Pokémon GO》而言,標準地點是PokéStop,而特優地點就是Gym。
搶先體驗公測現只提供《Pokémon GO》遊戲內地點。今後,我們希望在Niantic Real World平台上添加更多可參與計劃的遊戲,例如《Ingress》等。
Drive foot traffic to your business through gameplay
By becoming a Sponsored Location, you access a broad audience of players. Players see your business on the game map and get fun gameplay and rewards for visiting your business.
What You Get
Feature your business as an in-game Sponsored Location
Drive location awareness and foot traffic through in-game locations that make it more fun to visit your business.
Share promotions in-game
Upload special offers, feature new products, and link to your website from within your Sponsored Location - like a virtual billboard.
Schedule mini-games
Schedule increased game activity at your location at specific times, when you want more players to visit. No physical event setup required.
See aggregated metrics on how players engaged with your in-game location. As our players' privacy is important to us, we only share aggregated metrics, we don't provide access to individual player information.
How It Works
1. Apply to the Early Access Beta
Apply in minutes. If you are accepted, you will be notified when the program is live to complete the setup of your Sponsored Location.
2. Setup your location to appear in-game
Once approved, set up your location in Pokémon GO (and more games to come in the future!). Players will see and visit your Sponsored Location while playing in the real world.
3. Optimize your results
Optimize your promotions to drive more transactions, and schedule extra traffic at desired times–spend as much or as little effort as you’d like!
Frequently Asked Questions
How is the Niantic Sponsored Location Early Access Beta different from the Niantic Local Business Recovery Initiative?
The Niantic Local Business Recovery program is Niantic’s way of giving back to the community by inviting players to nominate their favorite small and local businesses to take part in the Sponsored Location program free of charge for a year. The requirements for this complimentary, nomination-based initiative are different from the paid Sponsored Location program. Further information on the Local Business Recovery can be found here.
Who can apply for the Niantic Sponsored Location Early Access Beta?
Generally, businesses with physical locations in the United States that receive in-store in-person visits may apply. Up to 30 locations per business entity. In addition, Sponsored Locations must meet our policy and guidelines. If you do not meet these criteria but are interested, contact us.
Can a business have multiple Niantic Sponsored Locations?
Currently, a business can have one Niantic Sponsored Location for each physical location the business operates, up to 30 locations (each additional location incurs subscription fees). For businesses with more locations, please contact us.
What is the difference between a “standard location” and a “premium location”?
A premium location attempts to attract more attention by being more visually and mechanically important to a player than a standard location. Specific mechanics differ on a per game basis. In the case of Pokémon GO, a standard location is a PokéStop and a premium location is a Gym.
What is a promotion?
A promotion allows businesses to feature special promotions, new products, or seasonal content in addition to the main in-game location description and image–think of it as an extra virtual billboard space on your in-game location! Depending on the plan tier, businesses can change their promo campaign up to once or twice within a calendar month.
Who will be able to see and interact with my Sponsored Location?
Currently, players of Niantic games who are within roughly 0.3 miles (~500 meters) of your business’ physical location are able to view your in-game location. This will differ based on the game mechanics and game map. However, only players within 40-50 meters of the Sponsored Location are able to obtain game experiences and rewards from it, and would count as an engaged visit in game.
In what Niantic products can I get Sponsored Locations for Small and Medium sized businesses?
The Early Access Beta will offer Pokémon GO locations only. We will be adding more games on the Niantic Real World Platform (such as Ingress, etc.) onto the program in the future.