


   5月19日我在匹兹堡,接到我的克利夫蘭朋友Arjoy電話,説她今晩8:00在她社區Africa house過生日,她十分誠懇邀請我去,並且説今晩是支持非裔社區文化活動,我心動了。


    Birthdays are very special to me! I was so very happy to celebrate my day May 18th, at the Africa house International which had a dynamic drum teacher very easy to learn from, amazing african dance instructor who was outstandingly fabulous and videographer who captured the love of the celebration. I really was enjoying my very special day with my friends, sisters, and brothers being happy with me, having a solar return. it really warmed my heart Greatly giving me some beautiful memories Learning to play the drums, all playing their own part making Beautiful sounds together! It sounds so amazing to me enjoying every minute of it! African dancing, eating, and laughing all together for my beautiful birthday! I wasn’t expecting all of it, I was pleasantly surprised to be with my community that I love! It’s all about unconditional love in our community! Sharing helping our communities of all nationalities to grow together make it a better world as a whole. Much Love To All of you