












Dear Reader
Last Friday, the state of Ohio announced CARES Act funding to assist small businesses and restaurants. These programs are available to help businesses and individuals during the COVID-19 crisis. Applications open on November 2, 2020, and will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. We recommend getting your application together now to be ready to submit on Nov. 2. Please let us know how we can assist you.
Small Business Relief Grant (up to $10,000)
Grants of up to $10,000 for small businesses. Fact sheet: https://businesshelp.ohio.gov/pdf/10262020-Small-business-relief-grant.pdf 小型企業援助補助金: 旨在幫助受COVID-19負面影響的俄亥俄州企業。州長邁克·德溫已經指定俄亥俄州從聯邦關懷法案中獲得的1.25億美元資金,爲小企業提供1萬美元贈款,幫助他們度過當前的危機。該項目將于2020年11月2日開始接受申請,由俄亥俄州發展服務局(Ohio Development Services Agency)管理。
瞭解更多如何申請的信息:https://businesshelp.ohio.gov/small-business-relief-grant.html 下載“小型企業資助概覽”文件:https://businesshelp.ohio.gov/pdf/10262020-Small-business-relief-grant.pdf Bar and Restaurant Assistance Fund ($2,500, for liquor permit holders) 酒吧和餐廳援助基金
$2,500 assistance payments to on-premise liquor permit holders to help them through the financial difficulties experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. These permit holders have not been able to fully use their liquor permit.Click here for more information on how to apply.
旨在協助俄亥俄州的本地酒許可證持有人。州長Mike DeWine已指定俄亥俄州從聯邦護理法案中獲得的3750萬美元資金,用于向持有酒類許可證的人提供2500美元的援助款項,幫助他們度過COVID-19大流行期間的財務困難。這些許可證持有人不能充分使用他們的酒許可證,這對他們的業務産生了影響。該項目將于2020年11月2日開始接受申請,由俄亥俄州發展服務局(Ohio Development Services Agency)管理。
Home Relief Grant 居家救濟補助金
Funding assistance to help eligible Ohioans who are behind on rent, mortgage, and water and/or sewer utility bills catch up on past payments back to April 1, 2020 and provide additional assistance through December 30, 2020. Fact sheet: https://businesshelp.ohio.gov/pdf/10232020-home-relief-grant.pdf
Ohioans can apply for assistance through their local Community Action Agency starting November 2, 2020. For Cuyahoga County, the Agency is Council for Economic Opportunities in Greater Cleveland, 1801 Superior Avenue, 4th floor, Cleveland, Ohio 44114. Contact info: (216) 696-9077or erice@ceogc.org
This is a $2,500 grant from Famicos: https://www.famicos.org/small-business-support - you can fill out an application online. You have to have a business with less than 20 employees, a storefront business in Ward 7 (which includes AsiaTown and old Chinatown) and in good standing with the Ohio Secretary of State. You will have to provide invoices or receipts for whatever you put this money towards (rent, property taxes, inventory, utilities, etc).
Also, Destination Cleveland (our local tourism agency) is running a campaign - CLEAN COMMITTED. You can commit to their standards (which many of you are already doing). They will send kits for your customers with individually packaged hand sanitizer packets and masks (CLEAN KITS) along with marketing materials that you can hang in your businesses. Register here. We have a number of sample kits that we will be dropping off at your businesses this week!
Thank you!
Karis Tzeng
AsiaTown Project Manager
MidTown Cleveland, Inc.









