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   自3月以來,新冠疫情似海嘯般襲擊了美國和全球,讓我們改變了生活步調及方式,生活在這片土地的人身心受到重創。一波未平 一波又起,美國黑人佛洛依德的死,在全國掀起一股“反種族歧視”浪潮,人們紛紛走上街頭遊行,從遊行到暴動,搶劫,到8月10日芝加哥還在繼續,100多人被抓,商業在疫情還沒有結束的情况下更是雪上加霜。
   我説Vrius 到Violence 二個V打亂了人們平靜的生活。這是一場好像走出家門就能遇到的戰爭,從空氣里就能感染的傳染疾病加上人對病毒的恐懼,其實人不是第一次遇到傳染病,也不會是最後一次,但人對死亡的恐懼是哲學和科學都沒法做解釋的,因爲我們誰也不知道明天會發生什么。

   在這個特別時期,伊利華報也面臨更艱難的選擇,從2月底到5月幾乎沒有收入,好在還有人口普查廣吿,在銀行已經出現負數的時候,伊利華報榮獲Facebook Grant,那句話:你眞的想努力做成一件事情,那么老天也會幫你的。Facebook給我們做了18年報紙的最佳肯定,讓我們信心滿滿,就像哥倫布華人領導王文圭先生説的:這是振奮人心的好消息!您多年來辦伊利華報堅持不懈,已經把它打造成連結中西部華人社區的重要紐帶,實爲華人社區的先鋒領袖。這次獲得FaceBook 的支持,是主流社會對伊利華報的積極肯定,可喜可賀。

   我再次感謝支持關注我們伊利華報的讀者和朋友,伊利華報榮獲Facebook的經濟支持,讓伊利華報生存,我也希望自己能更上一層,今天每個人都是媒體,做紙媒能活着是幸運,同時伊利華報馬上就會在Facebook上線了,很幸運在全美2000多家媒體中只要144家被選上,伊利華報是其中一家,我們期待新的面貌在Facebook上早日與讀者見面,就如哥倫布李敏儒先生説得那樣:合作雙贏,能活着是幸運,能拿到Facebook 的資助是幸福!


Dear Rich,
I am so very grateful to you for your help in completing the application for the Facebook Covid-19 Grant. This grant has been crucial to the ability of the Erie Chinese Journal to provide accurate and helpful news and information during this era of pandemic. Your efforts made it possible for the Asian Community to receive information with respect to food and rental assistance as well as reliable information to protect against the coronavirus. Below is a copy of the email I sent to Facebook to express my appreciation.

Ying Pu, Publisher, Erie Chinese Journal

Dear Sirs and Mesdames,
I am writing to express my gratitude to Facebook for awarding a COVID-19 Local News Relief Fund Grant to the Erie Chinese Journal, which is both a print and on-line publication. As publisher of the Erie Chinese Journal which has been in operation since 2002 with headquarters in Cleveland, I am most appreciate as this grant was an important component in the survival of this publication during the great uncertainty associated with the current pandemic era.
This grant has allowed us to deliver vital news with respect to COVID-19 to assist our readership’s understanding of how to protect themselves, their families and their communities. We are also employing Chinese WeChat to deliver the stories, sending email newsletters, as well as mailing the print newspapers to the reader. Additionally, we were able to up-date our newspaper racks.
I truly appreciate having been awarded this grant and the ability it provides to keep my readership informed particularly during these challenging times. I will continue working hard to ensure that readership turns to the Erie Chinese Journal as a reliable, trusted source of information.

With great appreciation,
Ying Pu, Publisher, Erie Chinese Journal









