











王紅(Hong Zenisek)老師獲得



Hong Zenisek is the Chinese teacher at Euclid High School, one of our Confucius Classroom programs. This year, she was nominated as a Claes Nobel Educator of Distinction, in recognition of her impact as an educator, leader and role model, by her student, Chrislynn Brownlee. Chrislynn is a member of the National Society of High School Scholars.
For three years, Chrislynn studied Chinese with Ms. Zenisek. She had no prior learning experience of Chinese language before coming to Euclid Chinese Level One. Still, during these three years, she won a Third Place for Ohio Chinese Essay Competition and a Third Place for Ohio Chinese Speech Competition.
Ms. Zenisek has taught at Euclid High School for four years. Previously, the Confucius Institute at CSU established the Chinese program at Euclid primary schools. Ms. Zenisek applied and was granted the Confucius Classroom, and has been a very active participant and supporter for CI’s programs. She effectively established and developed Chinese programs at her High School, from ground zero to today’s nearly a hundred students in three levels. (Level Four will start next year.)
In nominating Ms. Zenisek for the Educator of Distinction,Chrislynn wrote:
Ms. Hong is very passionate about teaching her students the Chinese language and culture and to strive for their excellence. She sets up many activities for us such as Chinese New Year, and takes us to many competitions for us to share our learning experience and to gain awards. She is very helpful and considerate and pays attention to each one of her student's needs. She is very fun and enjoyable to be around and does a great job at her work. She has paved the way for me and others in our language learning careers, which we will carry with us forever. For such reasons like these is why I nominate her for Educator of Distinction.
The Claes Nobel Educator of Distinction program is named for the Chairman, Claes Nobel, senior member of the family that established the Nobel Prizes. Mr. Nobel strongly believes that educators play a pivotal—and under-acknowledged—role in preparing students for success in school and in life. In that spirit, we have created the Educator of Distinction program to honor and reward exemplary teachers, counselors and administrators.
Congratulations to Ms. Zenisek for this prestigious nomination!
王紅(Hong Zenisek)是Euclid高中的中文老師。這個學校是全美孔子課堂中的一個。今年,王老師的學生博貴琳(Chrislynn Brownlee)將她提名爲Claes Nobel 奬杰出敎育工作者,來表彰她發揮敎師的影響力,做事業的領導者和榜樣。貴琳(Chrislynn)是“全國高中學者協會”的成員。
“王老師對傳授中國語言和文化有極大熱情,並爲他們的優秀成績而竭盡努力。她爲我們舉辦了許多活動,例如中國新年,並帶我們參加了許多比賽,讓我們分享學習經驗並獲得奬勵。她非常樂于助人和體貼,並且關注每個學生的需求。她很有趣,我們很喜歡和她在一起。 她工作中做得非常好。她爲我和同學們在我們的語言學習生涯中鋪平了道路。我們將永遠繼續下去。這就是爲什么我提名她爲杰出敎育工作者。”
“ClaesNobel杰出敎育工作者”奬是以該奬項目主席ClaesNobel的名字命名的。 他是是建立諾貝爾奬的家庭的高級成員。諾貝爾先生堅信,敎育工作者在學生的學業和生活取得成功上起着舉足輕重的作用,但沒有得到應有的承認。由此他們創建了杰出敎育工作者奬,以表彰和奬勵杰出的敎師,輔導員和管理人員。









