











印裔朋友Radhika Reddy眞的了不起!參加 The Historic Ariel Broadway Hotel 剪綵儀式有感


   3月2日上午,在Lorain 印度裔Radhika 第三棟大樓 The Historic Ariel Broadway Hotel 舉辦剪綵儀式,來自參議院Sherrod Brown,市長等賓客300多位嘉賓到場,參議院 Sherrod Brown 感謝Radhika給Lorain帶來經濟收益,他也希望更多當地外地遊客來Lorain旅遊,當天市長也表示Lorain還有許多空間可以投資建設。
   Radhika Reddy眞的太了不起了,我還記得伊利華報在她第一棟樓剪綵的時候祝賀她夢想成眞。她30年前只有20美元存款,到今天,這是她三棟大樓,越做越大越走越遠。

    參加完剪綵典禮後去了Jenny她的Sylvan敎育中心,我想Radhika,也想着Jenny,Jenny不僅在克利夫蘭最高檔的商場創辦Gingin Spa,她還擁有美國最大的Sylvan敎育中心,她與Radhika Reddy是同路人,成功需要找到自己,用心去做好事情,Jenny也表示,她看到聽到Radhika Reddy的創業觸動很大。沒有背景的印裔留學生Radhika怎么在克利夫蘭起家的?她social, 她敏鋭,善用美國聯邦政府、州政府、地區政府的政策和資金補助,還有稅收優惠政策去投資低收入地區和政府扶植行業。

   我吿訴Jenny她一定會成功的,因爲成功不是別人走你也走,而是在別人停下來的時候,你仍然在向前 ,放棄很容易,但只能一無所得 ,堅持很難,但終會有所收穫,別輕易停下,多堅持一分鐘就會多一點收穫。
Radhika Reddy has 35 years of experience, including 25 years in USA in the areas of economic development finance, real estate development and finance, international business, and other business advisory services, and 10 years in India as an international banker. Ms. Reddy is the founder of Ariel Ventures, LLC (2001), Ariel International Center, LLC (2010), Ariel Economic Development Fund, LLC (2010), Ariel Distribution Center, LLC (2013), Ariel Pearl Center, LLC (2016), all 100% women-owned and minority firms. Ms. Reddy provides public-private project finance, combining comprehensive economic development financing incentives with private equity and debt, supporting business attraction and expansion, and stimulating economic development in Ohio and other states nationally.
Ms. Reddy and her partners have provided financial and business advisory services for over $2.0 billion in public-private finance transactions nationally, utilizing a variety of federal, state, local tax credits and incentives, grants, public and private loans and equity. Ms. Reddy and Ariel Ventures have gained national recognition as experts in the New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) area and pioneered the development of the first state-of-the-art, comprehensive NMTC compliance, reporting and CDE management software application in 2003, which has been approved for integration with the CDFI Fund's (Treasury Dept.) online community impact reporting system, and is used by CDEs nationally. In 2003 Ariel Ventures collaborated with the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority to create a Community Development Entity (CDE) and secured a total of $95 million in NMTC allocations since 2003, and has used it to make investments in the low income communities of Northeast Ohio.
Ms. Reddy and her partners have developed a catalytic historic 68,000 s.f. building to create the Ariel International Center, a one-stop international business incubator, office, and intercultural event center in Cleveland.









