











Zak Funeral Home陪同走完人生最後路


Zak funeral home 在克里夫蘭已經有130年了,我在克里夫蘭,在Zak Funeral Home也參加過無數葬禮,給人送最後一程,這職業算是功德無量,尤其他們提供華人傳統文化;燒紙錢等這不是所有Funeral Home都能提供這樣的服務。
據説做Funeral Home這個職業是設特別專業獲得資格認證才能開設門戶,很多都Funeral Home是用家人的姓來命名,Zak也是一樣,傳了幾代人。
   在克里夫蘭附近的幾家Funeral Home店主都來自東歐,早年他們到美國都做木工手藝,可以給人家打傢具,一百多年前,許多百姓家庭還不需要做傢具,都是有人找上門求做棺材,那時有的人做了很大棺材都出不了門,就這樣家庭的Funeral Home就形成了。
   這里非常感謝Zak Funeral Home爲克利夫蘭華人做了好事,滿足家屬最後要求,陪伴送行料理後事,幫助已經往生的人走完最後一程。

Zak Funeral Home celebrates 130 years of business.
Established in Cleveland, OH 1890.
The Zakrajsek family has been passed on from father to sons for five generations.

Frank Zakrajsek came to Cleveland from VelikeLasce, DolenjskoSlovenia in the year 1879. He was in the furniture making business before he started the Funeral Home established in 1890 until his death in 1910. He and his wife Mary had six children. The funeral home he established was left to his oldest son Frank II.

Frank ZakrajseK II managed the establishment at first alone and then near the end of his life he worked with is son Anton, who started in the business in 1938. He and his wife Ann had 4 children.


Anton Zak took over as sole management of the funeral home upon his fathers’ death. He shortened the family name to Zak simply because everyone knew him as Zak and Zakrajsek was hard for people to pronounce. Anton was married to Ann Marie and they have 5 children.


Zeno Zak completed his education in 1964 and immediately began working with his father. He was the oldest son of Anton. Zeno married Suzie and hey had 4 children none of which worked at the funeral home, Zeno died at an early age of only 35.


Zachary Zak is Anton’s youngest son. In 1983 Zachary completed his education and is now the funeral director operating Zak Funeral Home. He and his wife Victoria reside at the funeral home and he is very proud to be able to carry on the father-son tradition that has been passed down to him thought the four generations. Zachary and Victoria have 5 children. Zachary’s son, Skyler Zak will be the next licensed funeral director.

Skyler Zak, the fifth generation, graduated college in 2019 and is currently serving his apprenticeship, he will bethe next funeral director. He will carry on the fine tradition set forth by his father and forefathers in the funeral business.
The original funeral home started on 1105 Norwood Road, Cleveland, OH 44103. The current location of 6016 St Clair Avenue was built in 1937 where it remains the present location.









