













今年與往年一樣,整個黃唯律師樓賓客如雲,所有律師、工作人員和客人融合在一起,輕鬆交談,大家都沉浸在節日前的喜慶氣氛中。黃唯是一位成功的律師,有一支和諧的團隊, 她表示歡迎所有來參加活動的嘉賓,每年黃唯她都會寫一封熱情洋溢的信回報和問候她所有的朋友。(浦瑛)


Dear Colleagues and Friends:
Happy Holidays!

2019 has proven to be one of the most difficult years in my four decades of immigration law practice. It seemed like there was a new announcement coming every week from the current administration or Attorney General. It has become tougher for those fleeing persecution to apply for and gain asylum;there have been attempts to prevent low-income immigrants from becoming permanent residents; the fight for DACA protection for "Dreamers" has arrived at the Supreme Court. That said, I accept the challenge, and I am more determined than ever to work with the best talents we can find to help our clients.
Across the globe, my birthplace Hong Kong is facing one of the worst crises since I was born. I traveled to the city last month to see what was happening for myself. I visited my grade school St. Paul's Convent School and the places I have lived before coming to America. Despite recent events, Hong Kong still lives up to its name as the "Pearl of the Orient".

Fortunately, 2019 has also been a time of joy for me. At the age of 69, I became a grandmother. My son Steven and his wife Joanna gave birth this week to their daughter, Cameron. They named her after my late husband, Kam. I am so proud of them. All three are doing very well. Cameron is such a beautiful baby, with big eyes and cheeks, and a full head of silky, black hair.

Our law firm continues to thrive and grow. I have invited several of our attorneys to become partners in the firm. Our combined experience, not just in years, but also knowledge and interpretation of the law, current events analytics, and consumer orientation, gives usan edge over other firms in the immigration arena. Instead of slowing down, I still travel at least three days per week to our different offices, including Nashville, New York, Cleveland, Atlanta, Chicago, and Columbus.

Somehow, I find the time to swim, to read, and to play with my dog Theo. I am reading a few books about Hong Kong: "The Battle for Hong Kong 1941 - 1945" and "The Piano Teacher." Both provide fascinating views into the history of the city.

My siblings are all healthy and doing well. We continue our Wednesday evening family dinner tradition. Rose's daughter is pregnant and is expecting in December. We are so excited to welcome another family member!

While reading about history and welcoming the new generation of our family into the world, I remember marriage, births and passings, wins and losses, and all the trials and tribulations along the journey of my life. I miss my husband Kam and my parents at times like this. I wish they were still here so I can talk to them about these changes in the world.

I am so blessed and grateful that I have the help and support from good friends and colleagues, through my years of striving to become who I am, from a young, sheltered Catholic student coming to America in 1969 to the lawyer I am today.
Happy holidays to all my friends and family.
Margaret W. Wong, Esq.
Christmas 2019








