













   近日召開了第二次克利夫蘭Middletown 會議,克利夫蘭市政經濟發展辦公室和克利夫蘭各社區人員代表共同參加了主題爲克利夫蘭市政府如何幫助到您個人企業和社區文化的會議,同時會議也討論了其它各個不同項目。
   克利夫蘭亞洲商場的經理 Stephen Hom  和他的太太Jessica Hom 參加了會議,在Payne Ave 30-55街就有中國超市4家,馬上門口就煥然一新的亞洲超市,在克利夫蘭的超市是很有規模的,有中國餐廳無數家,飲食業興旺,克利夫蘭天然寺也在平安街購買的一棟樓,已經成功舉辦了10屆亞洲屆。天時地利人和,克利夫蘭經濟發展辦公室會聽取您的建議,讓未來克利夫蘭中國城更有起色,大家齊心協力來打造更好的亞洲城。

LED Porch Light Bulb Safety Pilot Project for residents on E13, E32 and E33 Streets between Payne Avenue and Superior Avenue concluded on Monday, 10/28/19.

A heartfelt “thank you” to each of the following individuals for this safety pilot project would not have been possible if any one of them did not share their talents and their resources with me:
1. Detective Andrew Hayduk of 3rd District Police - who cared enough to inform me of the series of break-ins in Asiatown in 2018.
2. Sarah Gyorki of SKG Consulting – who cared enough to listen to my idea of lighting up all porch lights in the neighborhood.
3. Erika Brown of Neighborhood Connections – who was nice enough to send an application for grant money, so porch light bulbs could be purchased.
4. Marcia Nolan, Kia Grayson and Danny Denmark of St. Clair Superior Corporation – cared enough to not only act as the fiscal agent for the grant money, but also assisted in handing out the LED light bulbs.
5. Annie Pu of Erie Chinese Journal – who assisted by arranging a meeting between Eddie Ni of Mega Bright and me.
6. Eddie Ni of Mega Bright, LLC– who was generous enough to offer the LED porch light bulbs at a steep discount, so enough bulbs could be purchased with the grant money.
7. David Zhou of Listen Share Learn Grow – who cared enough to not only act as the administrator of this pilot project, but also assisted in handing out the LED light bulbs.
8. Commander Dorothy Todd of 3rd District Police – who offered support by connecting me with Lieutenant John Farnsworth.
9. Lieutenant John Farnsworth of 3rd District Police – who supported my effort by arranging Community Engagement Officers to accompany us in handing out the LED light bulbs.
10. Community Engagement Officer Roger Jones, Community Engagement Officer Ryan Lewis, and Community Engagement Officer Malcolm Sutton-Nicholson – who cared enough to go door to door with David Zhou, Marcia Nolan, Kia Grayson, Danny Denmark and myself as we handed out LED light bulbs to residents, so their porches will be brightly lit, which will be a deterrent to thieves.
Again, I want to acknowledge that this safety pilot project was possible because all the people listed above cared enough to help.
However, I want to remind all area residents to know that neighborhood safety is a team effort, and it starts with YOU. What can you do to make your neighborhood a safer place? How did your grand- parents and parents live before cellphones and camera security systems existed? In fact, many of them did not even have air-conditioners nor screened TVs at home. Your grand-parents and/or parents sat out on porches and talked to their neighbors. Knowing your neighbors is still the best crime prevention method. Neighbors took care of each other by looking out for each other. They knew who lived on the street and who did not.
Also, people must understand that a neighborhood with mowed lawns, flowers, gardens, and well-cared for homes CAN deter crimes. If there is an abandoned home, do a bit of fixing up on the exterior, and if there is an open lot, clean up weeds to be rid of the eyesore. This will not only improve the property value of the homes on the street, but also, more importantly, well-cared for properties will DETER crimes because thieves and hoodlums will know that the people in this neighborhood CARE about the streets that they live on.
Lastly, install motion-sensor lights, keep your front and back porch lights on in the evenings, so potential intruders do NOT have the darkness to hide in. Know your local police officers, and work with them to start a Neighborhood Watch program.
As famous anthropologist, Margaret Mead said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Thank you!
Chia-Min Chen
Asian Liaison/Project Coordinator
Community Relations Board,
City of Cleveland









