











HAPPY NEW YEAR- (Happy New Y.O.U.)


“It is 2019, a landmark year- in which old things are eliminated and new paradigms emerge. I believe that this will be a year of fulfillment of a lot of the promises humanity has made to itself and to Life in general. The Promise of living with nature rather than as an opponent, the Promise of a life not based on physical materialism or the fear that is expressed as greed, the Promised peace and goodwill toward, ‘ALL MANKIND’.
   “I stress this last point since a lot of the turmoil, frustration and conflict that now troubles our world, (and the wars and hardships that flow from it), have at it’s base-the fear, anger, and ignorance that is often projected towards some- ‘other’, that is viewed as some kind of threat. It matters little if that ‘other’ is another country, culture, religion, sexual identity, or race-what seems to matter to those fear motivated individuals is to isolate, then eliminate-the threat of the ‘other’-totally ignoring ALL of the amazing similarities, likenesses, and sameness of all people.”
   “But 2019 offers a real solution to all of those psychological ploys used by the fearful to enlist the assistance of the multitudes to align against the faultless. This is theInformation Age, as opposed to the declining Industrial Age. All information available to humanity is at your fingertips and the young of all countries, cultures, and colors are immersed in it. Let this be the break from the ignorance, and intolerance of ‘old world’ thinking-let us understand, learn, and remember our collective history as we plot a joined course into the future”.
   “For all people, of all nations let 2019 be the yearof your rebirth-not as a country, religion, race or creed-but as a united Humanity, ready for the challenges of the New Age!Your Own Understanding (Y.O.U.) will allow you to transcend the ignorance of hate and arrive at the gates of wisdom and peace”.
“May the Lord bless you and the Ancestors continue to protect you”.

P.E.A.C.E.* (Proper Education Always Corrects Error)









