











Trade, the Grand Pioneer of Civilization

Reflections on the Meeting of Liu Haijun, Deputy Secretary of The CPC Shiyan Municipal Committee and Mayor Frank Jackson of Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A. -A Personal Perspective
-Cynthia Marek Lundeen

On June 22, 2018 Liu Haijun, Deputy Secretary of The CPC Shiyan Municipal Committee and other representatives met with Mayor Frank Jackson and city administrators in recognition of Shiyan, Hubei’s decades long relationship with the United States and to explore the potential for deepening the ties of friendship. The meeting was organized by Anthony Yen, an acclaimed expert of international trade and Pu Ying, publisher of the Erie Chinese Journal, both of whom are highly regarded for their work to promote cultural exchange.
Cleveland’s City Hall, built during the “City Beautiful Movement” served as a venue both grand and welcoming, with the flag of China being flown atop the building in special appreciation and greeting to Liu Haijun and his delegation.

Deputy Secretary Liu Haijun and Mayor Jackson discussed transportation, both pubic and private, with Mayor Jackson commending China’s ability to develop a viable system of public transportation given the many factorswhich must be considered and balanced. Deputy Secretary Liu Haijun noted that among the many factors, a government’s duty to serve the needs of the people is a factor which is always well considered.
The two gentlemen also discussed the differences in governance between the two countries and how that may relate to commerce, with Mayor Jackson noting that differences notwithstanding, he believes that when people of goodwill come together problems can be solved and all may benefit from the realization of human creativity and thought.
In observing the gentlemen, I could not help but recall the words of a 19th century writer:
“Trade has ever been the grand pioneer of civilization, and wherever in the past or present we find a nation or people engaged in commerce, we find also the highest type of civilization. Commerce between nations, as well as between people, breaks down national antipathies, removes local prejudices, and binds the whole family of man by the strong ties of association, and of mutual and dependent interests... How unlike war is its mission! The one showers upon a people wealth and happiness; the other riots in blood, misery and desolation!” (Prof G.A. Gaskell 1880)
In observing Pu Ying, I could not help but think of her as a modern day Dolley Madison, wife of the 4th President of the U.S., who was known for her warmth and ability to bring people together. This ability is not a gift not granted to everyone and Pu Ying surely uses her gift for the benefit of all.
In observing the leadership of Liu Haijun and Frank Jackson along with the grace of Anthony Yen and Pu Ying, I felt I was having the privilege to observe people who are committed toworking sincerely to promote ideas and actions that will, as Professor Gaskell says “shower upon a people wealth and happiness.”









