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提供中外人士學習; 優質服務一條龍系列 .邀請函 旅途 全程陪伴您

Essential Etiquette, Professionalism and Navigating American Culture in the 21st Century
In every culture and in every century, from Confucius, King Louis XIV to Emily Post, we have learned that thoughtfulness and good manners never truly go out of style. While not commonly known, the first president of the United States, George Washington, found the topic sufficiently important, prompting him to author a book entitled Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior.
 While etiquette is grounded in consideration for others, the forms in which it is manifested may be bewildering. The formal dinner, meant to be a feast for the senses, sometimes intimidates. The deeper meanings of etiquette as well as the outward appearances such as the mystery of a myriad of silver flatware and crystal stemware will be revealed.
 There is a great deal of competition in the world and a knowledge of etiquette can be an important factor in establishing a successful professional life as well as facilitating harmonious relations in your personal life.
 Join us for an etiquette course which will infuse you with the confidence to meet any situation.

Heart for Cleveland Heart for your life Design your Future, Become your Best Self

They are excellent because they are confident;They are excellent because they have the ability
They are excellent because they are hard-working;They are excellent because of the opportunity to prepare people
“Taking joy in life is a woman’s best cosmetic.” – Rosalind Russell
If taking joy in life is a woman’s best cosmetic, it is no wonder that I found Pu Ying beautiful, both inside and out, from the moment I met her. Filled with joy, a great spirit and energy, her sense of friendship extends to all, and we hope that you may join us for a celebration of Mother’s Day and Friendship. Whether related by family ties or bonds of friendship, come and bring your mother, sister, aunt, neighbor or friend and feel awash with a sense of peace and leave feeling both relaxed and energized, with a charming program, refreshments and delightful memories of a day well spent.








